Nurture.AI Article Contribution Rewards

Zech Yap Jia Qing
Published in
1 min readJul 27, 2018

We find blog articles a great way to spread AI knowledge, as well as make the latest AI research more accessible, hence it is very much in line with Nurture.AI’s mission of making AI research more efficient, reproducible and accessible. While we love the Medium platform, we find that many AI researchers and engineers don’t like to use it for blogging about technical AI topics due to the lack of support for Latex and Markdown. Hence, we built a blogging platform dedicated to the AI community, with Markdown and Mathjax support, as well as articles curated for quality.

Each week, we will choose 3 articles contributed to Nurture.AI, to feature on our platform. To encourage and recognise high-quality article contributions, the authors of the featured articles will each win USD100, as well as have their article distributed to our Nurture.AI mailing list of more than 15,000 AI engineers and researchers.

Articles are chosen based on the quality and value-add to the existing landscape of AI-related articles, as well as the popularity of the article as demonstrated by the number of likes. To qualify for selection, articles have to be exclusively posted first on Nurture.AI, with any reproduction elsewhere citing the Nurture.AI article url as the source.



Zech Yap Jia Qing

AI and AR software engineer; formerly founder of a VC-backed startup in the AI space