From the left, Zhang Quan, Jean and Zheng Yu from NCNY7 at the NY Tech Alliance Women’s Demo Night

7 Women Who Redefine Entrepreneurship: Bloomberg Edition

A summary of the New York Tech Meetup + Bloomberg Women’s Demo Night 2017 on the 12 April 2017.

3 min readApr 13, 2017


7 companies all founded and/or led by women. The NY Tech Meetup + Bloomberg Women’s Demo Night is a demonstration of technologies by female founders and organized by the NY Tech Alliance.

The Women’s Demo Night is hosted by the Bloomberg’s CTO office and the Bloomberg Women in Technology group, an employee group that encourages women to be leaders in technology. Its focus is on supporting leadership development, recruitment and retention efforts within the company, as well as engaging and supporting the local tech community, and mentoring young women pursuing STEM educational and career paths.

The 7 Female Founded Companies

  1. Isa, Founder and CEO of EnvestedEnvested is a platform that centralizes all forms of workplace giving (time, talent, and money) to make it easier for you to engage your employees.
  2. Rebecca Lima, Founder of Ment Ment is a community-based airport app specifically focused on airports. Ment crowd sources and predicts security wait times, terminal information (ie. shops, food, etc.) all while creating a connected experience for travelers. For the hyper connected traveler looking for a unique airport experience, Ment is a one-stop solution that optimizes and saves on airport time while creating a connected culture in a once isolated and disconnected environment.
  3. Elien Becque, Founder of RoomZoom — RoomZoom sorts your housing situation. It takes the stress and guesswork out of finding a roommate. Whether you’re moving to a new city or simply in need of a new roommate, they make it easy.
  4. Felicity Conrad, Founder and CEO of Paladin — Paladin creates an easy way for lawyers to find cases they’re passionate about and to capture impact data for the benefit of all.
  5. April Koh, Co-founder and CEO of Spring — Helps patients find relief faster through data-driven, personalized care. A peer-reviewed machine-learning technology and measurement-based care to minimize trial-and-error and get patients better as soon as possible.
  6. Lexi Sprague, Co-founder of Totem — Totem is the most comprehensive network for gamers and creatives. They have over 120 features such as guilds, events, content creation, and networking, all in a modern and intuitive UI.
  7. Bunny Yan, Founder of TheSquirrelz — TheSquirrelz is an app to tap into the designer community around you and benefit from the unused materials they’ve left over and reduce waste. Their app allows you to design without breaking the bank, and clear out space in your studio hassle-free!
Isa, Founder and CEO of Envested, giving a demo of her product.

Our Talk with April Koh, Co-founder and CEO of Spring

One lesson we learn from April was to believe in your passion for entrepreneurship. Coming from an engineering background, April found a potential business in the healthcare market. She is a great example that entrepreneurs do not have to create something related to what they studied in school. She mentioned the importance of having a good business model as well as scalability of the business. It is good to start building your network early as you never know when you need resources to help you push your idea forward.

Lastly, we are all very inspired by the women who are taking the lead in the technological industry and it is extremely encouraging.

From the left, Xinyee, Ellabelle, Danielle, April Koh, Zhang Quan and Zheng Yu



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