Do You Have the Right Mindset as an Entrepreneur?

7 attributes to ask yourself in the mirror.

Leow Zheng Yu
NUS Overseas Colleges New York
4 min readJun 27, 2017


Have you looked hard into the mirror, before you assume that you can be the next Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey or Bill Gates? Like duh, it is not simple. Obviously. However , it is critical to make the right first impression as an entrepreneur, not just with investors, but with partners, customers and even yourself.

“Nothing comes easy. You have to love the toughness of entrepreneurial lifestyle under the best of circumstances in order to succeed.”

Here are some key mindset attributes to look for which are essential as an entrepreneur.

1. You enjoy being in a leadership role.

Its not enough if it’s just all talk and no action. Being a visionary or an idea person doesn’t bring you anywhere. You have to be eager to hop into the pool of mud and get your hands dirty. Most success stories in business are not about envisioning the ‘next big thing’, but to ‘make it happen’ for that change. After all, investors and strategic partners are looking for entrepreneurs who can execute and do work.

2. Balancing both left and right brain activities.

Technical entrepreneurs are usually a left-brainer, typically logical thinkers, and maybe a little OCD aka perfectionist. However, in today’s business, there is a need to focus on visualization, creativity, relationships and collaboration, which are normally the domain of the right-brainers. If you have that rare whole-brain focus, BOOM. Success is knocking on your door anytime soon.

3. Enjoy being outside your comfort zone.

It is always an adventure into the unknown for every new business. Are you afraid of the roller coaster rides, or are you mentally ready to take the ride and go through the flow? Take control of the unknown. Shift your weight to the left as the roller coaster hits a left turn. Only then, you can enjoy the thrill of surviving the major turn and look forward to the next one.

4. Proactively seek input, but make your own decisions.

Many great entrepreneurs seek out and actively listens to industry experts and critical customers, but they are not afraid to trust their own judgement as well. Ultimately, you weigh your own risks and make your own decisions with no regrets and excuses.

5. Willing and able to do a little bit of everything.

Deep level of knowledge versus Wide breadth of knowledge. In fact, technology experts tend to have a deep level of knowledge. However, if your interests are not very broad, then it will be expensive and frustrating to build your business. Startups have limited resources, so you have to enjoy trying everything and learning from your mistakes.

6. A problem solver, not a problem sulk-er.

The best ideas for a new business are solutions to a real customer problem, rather than great ideas looking for a market. Problems will keep appearing when you create a new business. Success will only happen if you keep tackling one difficult problem after another. Entrepreneurs see problems as milestones to success, not obstacles.

7. You don’t expect immediate gratification.

In mandarin, there is a phrase that goes ‘冰冻三尺,非一日之寒’. It is also known as: ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’. For some entrepreneurs, success can be financial, and for others it is a legacy of good deeds. Because it takes so long to get there, it is important to enjoy the journey along it.

“An entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down.” — — Reid Hoffman

I’m not suggesting that you need to fit all the attributes to be an entrepreneur. Definitely, there are other successful businesses that are run by people from different background and personal style. But I do believe that if every aspiring entrepreneurs spent as much effort looking inward, understanding their own mindsets and preparing, as they do in working outward by building solutions, seeking investors and writing business plans, the startup success rate would go up.

After all, the entrepreneur mentality is a state of mind that enjoys the process of starting a business. Happiness is more likely to lead to success, than success is to happiness. Are you sure that your aspirations and expectations of being an entrepreneur are being driven by the right perceptions?



Leow Zheng Yu
NUS Overseas Colleges New York

Co-Founder | Project Manager | Full-stack Developer | Writes whatever in his mind