We asked NY07 some ‘boliao’ Questions for You

Introduction of NCNY07. 😏

Leow Zheng Yu
NUS Overseas Colleges New York
4 min readMay 5, 2017


NCNY07 celebrating Chinese New Year 2017!

Now that finals are over in NUS, we (NY07) are 16 weeks into the program and still gaining new knowledge and experiences everyday!

First off, we are very privileged to be able to embark on this special journey as the seventh batch from NUS. There are 16 of us here in the United States of America at the ‘Big Apple’ and there are many interesting stories to share. Each of us are currently interning at super amazing startups, and taking enriching classes at New York University!

To start the ball rolling, we asked everyone with a simple yet trick question:

“What do you regret NOT packing the most?” 😱 😭

Leow Zheng Yu, Year 3, Computer Engineering
Interning at Reonomy
“not packing frozen Roti Prata, curry and bringing my shades…😎

Lin FengJun Jean, Year 3, Statistics
Interning at Boxed
“should have brought more summer clothes than winter clothes.. ☀️

Hazel Yow, Year 3, Business
Interning at B12
“not bringing my ‘I ❤️SG’ T-shirt and more pictures of Woodlands! #WoodlandsRocks 😝

Low Wei Si, Year 2, Communications & New Media
Interning at My Trio Rings
“not bringing enough brand of the pads and winter clothes.. ❄️

Tay Gui Fang (Rachel), Year 3, Economics
Interning at Bizzabo
“should have brought my Sunsilk shampoo and polaroid photos with my friends! 📷

Ong Zhang Quan, Year 2, Business
Interning at Fika
“My DBS bank token. Just when I need it and I didn’t bring it. 💸

“What do you love and hate most about NYC?” 😍 😒

Rufus Chen, Year 3, Economics
Interning at Eventable
“Love — the subway. You see people from all walks of life jammed into the same compartment at once. You even get the occasional shouting match for entertainment
Hate — the subway. Nothing beats wearing 4 layers of clothing with no air conditioning and being stuck in a crammed subway for 50 minutes

Yu Zong Dong, Year 2, Business Analytics
Interning at Squarefoot
“I love my fellow NOC mates and the other friends I had met along and will meet! I hate the distance between me and my family though. 😩

Wang Yamei, Year 3, Economics
Interning at Nudge
“I definitely love the resources here! You can literally meet and experience everything you’d like to. (:
I honestly don’t dislike anything, so perhaps it’s the fact that time flies and I only have 7 more months here!

“What surprises you most in NYC?” 😱 😲

Faridzuan Faris B Noordin, Year 3, Business
Interning at Wochit
The people, the hospitality, the diversity of this place. I feel like the people is what makes NYC rather than the place itself. So I’m constantly surprised by the talents and the interactions I have here 😆

Dao Gia Khanh, Year 3, Business Analytics
Interning at Homer
“The buskers here. They have dancers and musicians all around which is kind of unique and fun, even in dirty subway stations. 😁

Badai Naradadewa Putra Tanmizi, Year 3, Business
Interning at New Lab
“The roads are bad, the winter sucks and so are the pedestrians. But people are generally more sociable here. 😑

Lee Jun Yi, Year 3, Statistics
Interning at Homer
“I would say the pace of life. Coming from SG the pace is already quite fast, NY to me is really crazy fast. You can see from the little actions, how people jostle into trains to get better seats, how they rush from platform to platform even knowing there might be a chance that the train hasn’t arrived.”

Arefa Hussein Papar, Year 3, Real Estate
Interning at Wochit
“ I love that there are always events and activities to look forward to every other week, & they never fail to disappoint! 😊

Nguyen Hong Van, Year 3, Electronic Commerce
Interning at B12
“I think what surprises me most is the diversity of people here and as a result everyone seems very accepting of the differences. 😄

Aminah Nuraddina Baagil, Year 3, Business
Interning at Debitize
“It is the lack of toilets in the city I guess. 😢

Follow us on Facebook and on Instagram to find out more of the events and our life in the Big Apple city!



Leow Zheng Yu
NUS Overseas Colleges New York

Co-Founder | Project Manager | Full-stack Developer | Writes whatever in his mind