Getting to know the real NCSH28

I asked my batch mates some totally unrelated questions.. to uncover the #trueNOCexperience.

NUS Overseas Colleges Shanghai
10 min readJun 7, 2018


Exactly 1. 5 more months left in this beautiful city, and while suffering from a slight writer’s block, I decided to look to my batch mates for content. Read on to find out some of NCSH28’s favourite things to do in our downtimes, best and worst things about Shanghai, and some other random things about us…

“What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?”

Ze Xuan, Jun Hua, Elyssa, Xiao Wen

Chang Jun Hua, Year 3 Accountancy
I love sleep because who doesn’t. Enjoy heading out for runs and exploring my district as well as joining free classes. Most memorable would be the impromptu late night talk cock and degen sessions with my dearest housies (‘:”

Chong Ze Xuan, Year 3 Computer Engineering
iHR Technology
“Out of work, I make really amusing We Chat stickers that showcase the best qualities of the people in NOC. Other than that, I really enjoy working on side projects during my free time, trying out new tools or hacking up a project from my cache of ideas.”

Luah Xiao Wen, Year 4 Pharmacy
The CareVoice
“1. Work out!! 2. Go to the studio to practice piano and Carrefour after and be an aunty. 3. Nua on bed with a book (or taobao) 4. Walk around my place to get food. 5. Lead the degen life.”

Elyssa Soh, Year 3 Project and Facilities Management
Vestian Global
“1. I like taking strolls around the city on my own and trying out new routes home. 2. I like to browse for my next getaway and woohoo actually book people to travel together! 3. I love meeting people so I would explore the city and its events or I would hang out at a friend’s place to chill! 4. I would also probably… get started on house work!”

“What do you love and hate most about Shanghai?”

Brad, Meihui, Ying Xuan, Cheery, Shuang Yu, Claire

Lim Ying Xuan, Year 3 Business, Marketing
“The best thing about Shanghai is the East meets West culture. While you get the tall and luxurious buildings on one side, beside it lies the raw, humble, victorian ruggedness of the city. Oh yes, and Shanghai can be so ratchet haha I love it. Worst thing is probably the 38 degrees heat during the hottest part of Summer.”

Yap Shuang Yu, Year 3 Business, Supply Chain and Operations
Heartland Brothers
I love how the people come up with such crazy food variety here, and these food can be dangerously affordable and accessible!! For e.g. if I’m craving piping hot dumplings and a croissant, I’m able to order online and get it within an hour! However, one thing I hate about Shanghai is how it’s really difficult to find healthier options in Chinese restaurants here because everything is soaked in oil.”

Cheery Chua, Year 3 Political Science
iHR Technology
“What is absolutely delightful: Shanghai screams of an infectious ‘fast and furious’ that moulds our daily attitudes towards challenges. Characterized by no-frills but top-notch work with some grit to last. What’s a pity about this place: days end way too early for most locals, streets die down sooner than they should. That is, until you unravel rare alleyway gems that are very much alive in this city that (really) never sleeps.”

Claire Teo, Year 3 Real Estate
Tolmao Group
“I love Shanghai because it’s a place that I am able to challenge all assumptions that I ever held of myself. I dislike Shanghai for the excessive stress that it can cause in such a fast-paced city.”

Brad Lee, Year 3 Business Analytics
“Love: People. Hate: That I have to leave.”

Wang Meihui, Year 3 Accountancy
Sapience Partners
“I love the colleagues who I have met in Sapience Partners the most in Shanghai. Asides from that, I mega love how everything gets delivered so quickly, be it your taobao stuff or food delivery! However, I really dislike the peak hour crowd in Shanghai T_T. It is like x10 worst than Singapore!!!!”

“What do you regret most not packing to Shanghai?”

Jerene, Amos, Kathleen, Dayna

Dayna Ang, Year 3 Real Estate
“There isn’t anything I regret not packing. Brought all I needed over.”

Amos Heng, Year 3 Mechanical Engineering
“Hmm probably more travel adaptors? I actually have quite a few at home sitting around but I underestimated the number I would actually need.”

Kathleen Peh, Year 3 Political Science
US-China Transpacific Foundation
“Wah hard. I regret not packing more Old Town White Coffee. Thankful for meihui’s contribution towards my supply in my last few months in shanghai :’)”

Jerene Goh, Year 3 Business, Finance
Oriental Patron
“I regret not packing my bolster in because it’s so hard to find a bolster of the right size in China. My bolster 宝宝 in Singapore really nice to 抱抱 but it’s just too fat. :-( .”

“What is the greatest number of clothes you have layered on during winter? Describe your experience.”

Jolene, Wannee, Xieying, Jia Li

Jolene Tan, Year 3 Business, Marketing
Ortus Group
“Top 7 layers, bottom 4 layers but mostly because my clothes quality wasn’t very good. It was -15 in Hemu, Xinjiang and I almost froze to death in our airbnb which had rly bad heater!!! Still memorable, though bathing was traumatizing.”

Lee Jia Li, Year 3 Economics
We Are Social
“I recall I went to XinJiang, and it was during the winter season in October during golden week. At night, it reached -15 degrees and to tell you the truth, we weren’t ready for a -15 degrees weather. Including my undergarment, it was almost 6 layers — thermal wear, normal basic uniqlo shirt, thin sweather, thick wool pullover and lastly the down jacket. It was crazy cold but somehow, it felt warm inside to witness the beauty of things in that state of cold even though I looked like a bao (bun). I really look forward to experience -30 degrees in Harbin soon.”

Lim Wan Nee, Year 3 Business, Marketing
MLS Advertising
“In Shanghai, I think the most was 4 tops 2 bottoms with scarf and beanie. But usually only 3 tops 1 bottom + scarf. Hahaha experience was that I look the same everyday and feel like bazhang. Also don’t feel like leaving home cause its so coldd. The worst was actually going for dance class and having to wear back my winter stuff and go back to the cold haha.”

Tok Xie Ying, Year 3 Project and Facilities Management
“prob like 4? getting stuck in a -12 degrees cottage-like hotel in the middle of nowhere (HAHAHA jk at Hemu Village in Xinjiang). Heater was non-existent and it was so cold that even heating pads couldn’t heat up and were useless. All i could do was be a burrito under the blanket even after wearing all my thick winter clothes.”

“What surprised you most about Shanghai?”

Kang Zhi, Kia Hieng, Regine, Wei Chun

Koh Kang Zhi, Year 3 Industrial Design
“Speed. Trains at a frequency of every 3 minutes, taxi drivers driving at 100km/h, shops changing every 3 months, Taobao vendors churning out a sample in a matter of minutes. There are many people in this city, but everyone is so good at what they do, they do it well, they do it fast. It’s no wonder why this country is becoming a world leader, fast!”

Regine Lim, Year 3 Business, Supply Chain and Operations
Rikai Labs
“The people I’ve met here. I don’t think I’ll forget how the housing agent told me he works everyday for 10 hours for a living, or the elderly I’ve met at a home telling me that he went to university at 30 to pursue his passion in medicine after working to feed his family in his 20s. They taught me how everyone is fighting their own battles, and to be kind to people you meet along the way.”

Chew Wei Chun, Year 3 Accountancy
Y3 Technology
“I guess its the diversity of Shanghai. You can see the 老上海 and 新上海.”

Tan Kia Heng, Year 3 Sociology
Sheshan Golf
“What surprised me about Shanghai is how earnest people are in treating you. They are willing to go out of their way just to make your lives a little better. It truly touches me how sincere my colleagues can be.”

“What are some of the best cafes you’ve been to in Shanghai?”

Valerie, Samantha, Jane

Samantha Tham, Year 3 Global Studies
My two favs are 汉源汇 in 陕西南路 and the press in 南京东路. The first one is super cosy, place is very warm and inviting. Second one is very interesting because it used to be a newspaper printing office. I like how it’s such a beautiful cafe in the middle of a ratchet area and I think that fully encapsulates shanghai — finding beauty in the most unexpected places.”

Valerie Teo, Year 3 Statistics
Property Passbook
“1) Voce. It has floor to ceiling window seats, and sometimes you get to see furry animals cause it’s a pet friendly cafe! 2) Akimbo Cafe, just because it’s in Fudan so there’s student price everyday. 3) Pret a Manger, they have the bessssssst sandwiches. The ones at IFC has outdoor seats too so you can totally chill outdoors when the weather is good.”

Jane Ho, Year 3 English Literature
Rikai Labs
“I highly recommend cafes in the French Concession! Voce Cafe and Odelice are some of my favourites.”

We Work Creators award, exploring Boom Boom Bagels, China Accelerator 8x8
SHEN Speaker Series, Dinner with Jin Hong, Suzhou NUSRI x Acendas trip
Startup Weekend University Edition Committee retreat, SSBA Hackathon
Talk by Julian at We Work, Talk by Natasha of Tolmao group, SHEN Speaker Series
PROTO workshop by Brian of Lets Make Great!, Batch 29 welcome party, CAD
Startup Salad, Ningbo Fashion tech hackathon, B28 welcome party
Welcome party, Last NVC lesson together
Startup Weekend, FUSSA Makan session, Weichun’s marathon
Yishanlu house, Tiyuguan house, Kyle
SHEN pres, SHEN Vice pres, Kyle and Val
Family mart ice cream, movie time
Dayna and Shuangz, KZ and girls, Phebe
Last day of Fudan, Food, Startup Weekend Design Thinking Workshop with MING Labs
Design thinking workshop pilot run with MING Labs, Chong Ming island, Yunnan
Back to NUS, Tech Crunch Shanghai 2017, Jiali and Eugene

Dearest Batch 28, this year has seen some of our fondest memories where we cried, laughed and struggled together. Interning while having to juggle graded modules isn’t easy, but I’ve always believed that the toughest times make the toughest men. As our NOC chapter comes to a close, I will miss this beautiful city, but mostly, this talented bunch. 1.5 more months to keep grinding and living life the fullest. :-)

Till next time,


Follow us here. (we post only the good stuff):
Instagram: NOCShanghai, NCSHLife

