Release mobile apps via App Center using Nutpipe

Andrej Kuročenko
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2023

You asked for it and we delivered. We are proud to announce that you can now distribute your mobile apps via App Center using the platform.

Other options are Firebase App distribution, App Store, PlayStore, BrowserStack, Internal link

What is App Center?

App Center is also a mobile CI/CD platform like Nutpipe, although it is solely focused on its own ecosystem.

Microsoft App Center is also used by many companies as a distribution channel for internal testing. It is a great tool for this purpose, as your testers will get the app immediately after it is built. Whereas if you distribute it using AppStore or PlayStore — there is a delay when the app is processed in the store that might take half an hour or longer.

Distributing an app via App Center

All you need is to create an app definition in App Center and generate a user API token.

Creating an app in App Center

To create an app, simply log into App Center, click on “Add New” and choose your options. That's it.

Generating user API token

In App Center you can generate two types of API tokens: user API token and appAPI token. It is important to generate a userone. For that go to user profile, Account Settings > User API tokens > New API token, and choose “Full Access”.

Adding distribution step in Nutpipe

Build, test, and distribution steps are configured in Pipeline Config in the Nutpipe platform. If you are new to Nutpipe, create an account and a new project by connecting your app repository.

Then create a new Pipeline Configuration — basic steps will be pre-defined by our algorithm — and add an App Center Distribution step on top of the existing ones.

The step will ask for an API key — paste one from the previous steps. The key will be encrypted and securely stored.

Afterward, all relevant apps from App Center will be fetched automatically and you can choose one as the distribution destination.

Now the last step remains — save the Pipeline Config and build your app.

Give it a try at or request a Demo.

