Miscarriages And Their Causes.
Did you know that, according to a 2015 NCBI survey, miscarriages occur in 15–20% of all pregnancies in the United States. A miscarriage is defined as the expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently, especially spontaneously or as the result of an accident or injury. The causes behind miscarriages are complex, for example, a pregnant individual’s age can be a contributing factor, as can overall health (including weight, hormone levels, chronic illnesses, and more).
While it is common knowledge that pregnant individuals should avoid alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco, ingesting certain foods can increase the chance of miscarriages too. Although unlikely, there is a small chance that ingesting unpasteurised or soft ripened dairy products may cause listeriosis, a disease caused by Listeria bacteria. Raw and/or undercooked meats, including fish, can cause a range of diseases from toxoplasmosis to meningitis.
This post is simply a reminder to cook all meat thoroughly before ingesting it, and to follow a balanced diet that provides proper nutrition for the health of yourself, your loved ones, and any developing children. It’s also a reminder to find out the history of pregnancies in your own family and make use of the mental health services should you or a loved one suffer from a miscarriage. As traumatic as these experiences are, they are normal, and should not be stigmatized negatively.
For more information around miscarriages, be sure to follow us here at NutriNatal!