Inside a taste sensory test laboratory. Photo by Ark. Agricultural Experiment Station on Flickr.

How Satiating is Protein? Science Explains.

Implications for food R&D and meal planning.

JJ Lim, PhD
Nutrition Updates
Published in
6 min readSep 30, 2021


Protein is long known to be the most satiating macronutrient when compared with the same calories of carbohydrates, fat, and alcohol. However, experimental data reveals that the satiating effect of protein is far from straightforward, with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) rejected putting satiating claims for a high protein food.

In this article, I will first explain how is satiating properties of food are tested in a laboratory. Secondly, what does the systematic review have to say about the satiating properties of protein?

Above all, it is essential to ask, “what is the threshold amount of protein sufficient for satiety?

How is satiating properties of food tested in a laboratory?

Blundell et al. (2010) described the international protocol for appetite studies. According to this protocol, participants arrive at the appetite laboratory with an empty stomach, generally after an overnight fast. Then, researchers present the participants with a test meal, asking the participants to finish the meal within 15 minutes in its entirety.

After the test meal, participants are repeatedly asked to complete a series of appetite

