Lab-Grown Meat: 2 Simple Questions We Must Ask Before Accepting It.

We might have been brainwashed to believe lab-grown meat is the food for the future.

JJ Lim, PhD
Nutrition Updates


Cooking world’s first beef burger patty.
Cooking the world’s first lab-grown beef burger patty in 2013. Free to use Press Kit Image from Mosa Meat.

Lab-grown meat, sometimes also known as cultured meat, artificial meat, or test tube meat. These many names are referring to the same “meat” that is grown in a lab. The technology used to grow meat in a lab is known as the cell culture technique. It is a common technique used in the medical and biotechnology settings, then transferred to the lab-grown meat industry.

Believe it or not, the technology to grow meat in a lab exists as early as 1997 and has been patented by a French scientist. The following image is a snapshot of the patent:

Source: Google Patents

Initially, NASA funded the study of lab-grown meat with the intention to enable our astronauts to grow their own meat on prolonged space missions that lasted for years.

