6 Snacking Do’s

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readApr 27, 2020

Quarantine got you snacking more?

Call it stress, call it boredom, call it whatever you want to call it. The fact is snacking is at an all-time high right now.

The general advice we all know:
Eat three balanced meals each day + drink enough water + get enough sleep & exercise and you will be LESS munchy & graze-y. That’s definitely true!

But even with those basics, now is the time we need extra snacking advice, the BIG GUNS! So, here are my favorite 6 snacking power moves…


1) Do stock up on produce + protein snacks.
This is the best snack combo to feel full. Produce has water & fiber to get you full + protein has staying power to keep you full.

Get a list of my favorite 50 P+P snacks HERE.

2) Do post a snack list on the fridge.
In the heat of the moment when a snack urge hits, it’s hard to remember what’s smart to snack on! So, write a list of the produce + protein snacks you have on-hand & keep it in plain view/on the fridge.

3) Do eat with a table-plate-chair.
The most important thing when snacking is to not multi-task! Eat snacks like you mean it! Own it! Eat them on a plate while seated at a table. Not standing in the fridge, lounging on the couch, or working at the computer.

4) Do keep snacks in the right spots.
When you bring in the “less healthy” stuff, keep it on high shelves or at the back of the fridge/freezer. In sight, in mouth. Outta sight, outta mouth. 😉

5) Do create a list of non-kitchen fun.
When a snack urge hits & you know you’re*not* hungry, it’s hard to think about anything else. So, have a list ready to remind you of stuff you can do that’s not in the kitchen like take a shower, read a book, cuddle under a weighted blanket, do a puzzle, text a friend, watch a TV show, doodle, etc.

6) Do eat what you crave.
Don’t deny yourself what you want to eat! Eat what you crave… just healthy-ish versions of them. If you love chips, make healthy nachos for dinner or if you love chocolate, make healthy DIY dark chocolate candy bars for dessert.

Originally published at https://www.dawnjacksonblatner.com on April 27, 2020.

