7-day Power Streak

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readNov 1, 2018

Breaking bad habits is frustrating & hard.
But it doesn’t have to be.

One of my favorite ways to create better habits is using 7-Day Challenges. I assign them to myself & clients all. the. time. Read more about them HERE.

Recently I assigned myself a 7-Day Challenge. But then it occurred to me that I didn’t have a fun tracking tool to help me stay accountable & motivated.

When I went looking for a tracker to use, I discovered all the trackers out there are super OVERWHELMING. They ask you to track for longer than 7 days and track more than 1 habit. Since what I wanted didn’t exist…I create a 7-Day Challenge TRACKER.

Get the 7-Day Tracker >>> HERE <<<

1. Pick ONE 7-Day Challenge. Examples HERE.
2. Track each day your challenge is completed.
3. Watch your daily ACTION become a habit.

After you track for 7 days…
If you get 6 or 7 successful days, you’ve created a POWER STREAK!
If you get 4 or 5 successful days, you’ve created a MINI STREAK.

HABIT STREAKS make you feel good. You feel proud of your string of accomplishments & seeing success is motivating. This creates healthy momentum and then there’s no stopping you!

Each time you create a STREAK it’s a feel-good dopamine hit to your brain.

What are you waiting for?
Print out your tracker & start streaking!

***Originally published on dawnjacksonblatner.com***

