Can-Control Mindset

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readFeb 18, 2019

Ever act in ways you know later you will regret & feel bad about, but you feel little control in the moment??? Almost as if you are being controlled by a force bigger than you.

Well that all changes with ONE powerful science based trick called the Can-Control Mindset

This strategy has been a GAME CHANGER for my own life and I wanted to share it with you… How to use:

Say this when you stray from a goal and start feeling hopeless & frustrated…
“Yes it is true __________ [insert screw up] happened, BUT in this moment what CAN I control?”

Think about 1 small thing that you can in fact control right. at. that. moment.

When you ask yourself to think about what you CAN control immediately, it switches on a mindset that is ready to take action instead of give up.


Goal: Eat a piece of dark chocolate w/ a little peanut butter at a table plate chair as an after-dinner treat.

Screw up: Eat a piece of dark chocolate w/ a BIG glob of peanut butter. Standing. Not from a plate. Just shoving it in my mouth.

Feel hopeless: Your mind says … what the hell, already overdid it. I’ll go for another.

Give up: Eat another. and another …

Try this instead:

Goal: Eat a piece of dark chocolate w/ a little peanut butter at a table-plate-chair as an after dinner treat.

Screw up: Eat a piece of dark chocolate w/ a BIG glob of peanut butter. Standing. Not from a plate. Just shoving it in my mouth.

Use Can-Control Mindset: Your mind says … what the hell, already overdid it. I’ll go for another. Wait … what can I control right now?

Feel optimistic & motivated: Sure I just overate mindlessly, but right now I can just pack this up and walk away. DONE.

Practice the Can-Control Mindset the next time you stray from a goal & feel like throwing in the towel. It’s a powerful way to shift from self-sabotage mindset to a success mindset.

P.S. Try the Can-Control Mindset for all types of goals. Use it for eating/exercise goals and work-related goals too.

Originally published at on February 18, 2019.

