Compliment Challenge

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readOct 28, 2019

This week we are expanding the definition of good health to include “food” for our spirit & soul … COMPLIMENTS.✨

Research suggests that giving & getting COMPLIMENTS is POWERFUL for our well-being.

👉GIVING compliments can give you a “ helper’s high.” Allan Luks wrote about this in a book called “The Healing Power of Doing Good.” His research found after people spread good vibes, 50% of them felt “ high,” 43% felt stronger & more energetic, 22% felt calmer & less depressed, 21% felt higher self-esteem, and 13% felt fewer aches and pains! So, giving compliments to others gives YOU benefits.

👉GETTING compliments (even from yourself!) activates the reward circuit in our brain which is associated with improved learning, motivation, focus & productivity. Compliments literally change our brain for the better.

Bottom line: Compliments are MAGICAL…so let’s get this challenge going!!!

Compliment Challenge Guidelines:

✨Give 1 compliment to another person
✨Give 1 compliment to yourself

-Make compliments honest.
Don’t force it just to get the challenge done. Spread meaningful good vibes.
-Vary compliments.
Compliments go beyond basic appearance (although those definitely count!) Catch yourself & others doing good stuff, and compliment!
-Strangers count.
Compliments don’t need to go to people you know. Unleashing compliments to strangers feels just as good.
-Evaluate results.
After the 7 days if you see benefits, keep it going! With practice, it will become second nature to see more positive things to compliment…both in the world & within yourself.🙏

You can never go wrong with kindness… to yourself & others.

Originally published at on October 28, 2019.

