Create Better Habits

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
1 min readAug 31, 2018

I was talking to my friend Gina about a job I was struggling with and she gave me this career advice that I’m paraphrasing here:

“Don’t run away from what you dislike…Run toward what you want.”

It’s good career advice, but it’s even better LIFE advice since it’s a lesson that can be applied to everything. And in fact, it’s exactly the SECRET of Creating Better Habits.

Don’t try to get rid of your bad habits…Focus on creating habits you want.

Stop mindless snacking becomes…
Eat snacks with table-plate-chair.

Stop overeating becomes…
Chew each bite 15x & listen to body cues.

Drink less alcohol becomes…
Enjoy kombucha from a wine glass.

Eat less sugar becomes…
Satisfy my sweet tooth with berries.

It’s more effective (and fun) to create new, better habits than fighting old, bad habits.
Now…what habits do you want to create?

Originally published at

