Foods To Keep In Your Kitchen For ENERGY

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readJan 27, 2020

Here’s the 3rd WOW in the series called:

“Foods To Keep In Your Kitchen For…”

Week 1: Foods for digestion.
Week 2: Foods for sleep. 😴
This week: Foods for ENERGY.⚡️

Here are 4 foods I always keep in my kitchen for more ENERGY…

Matcha has caffeine (about 1/3 less than coffee) and it also contains a compound called L-theanine that works to decrease the jitters & energy crash you often get w/ too much coffee. Research suggests the caffeine + L-theanine combo boosts energy, increases alertness, improves focus, and decreases tiredness.

Pro-tips: Drink matcha hot or put it in oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothies. Try THIS 1-Minute Matcha recipe.

The polyphenols found in cinnamon help keep blood sugar levels steady for long lasting energy. And research also suggests cinnamon may help the brain better use glucose, which increases energy & alertness.

Pro-tips: Aim for 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day. Put it in coffee, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, and stir it into almond or peanut butter. And cinnamon tea (hot or cold) is one of my favs.

Leafy greens (think kale, spinach, arugula) contain which can improve blood flow. Better blood flow means more energizing oxygen & nutrients can get to all of our cells.

Pro-tips: Always keep leafy greens in your fridge so you can easily add them to everything! One of my favorite ways to use leafy greens is as a GREEN BASE. Read about it HERE.

Citrus fruits (think oranges, lemons, limes, clementines, grapefruit) are packed with vitamin C. Research suggests vitamin C slows mitochondrial aging. Young cells = more energy.

Pro-tips: Snack on oranges, put lemons & limes in your water, and try a broiled grapefruit for dessert (yum!)
PS: Research finds even just the scent of citrus is energizing so use citrus essential oils to dab on your wrist or sniff when your energy is low.

Originally published at on January 27, 2020.

