Forget Resolutions, You Need a WOTY

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readDec 30, 2019

HAPPY (almost) NEW YEAR! 🎉
Last year I did a post on WOTY. And I really wanted to do something different to kick off 2020, but I just can’t because…

I’m obsessed with WOTY.

Here’s what it is & why it’s the best way to start every year.

WOTY = Word of the Year
A one-word “theme” for how you want your year to FEEL.

This is less overwhelming than setting specific goals. BUT yet still an effective way to give your year direction. One word can be a motivator and a guiding light to help you make decisions in all types of situations… food, fitness, and beyond.

How To Choose Your WOTY…
1. Get out a sheet of paper.
2. Write down/word dump how you want to feel in 2020. Put as many words on the page as you want. No right answers.
3. Take a breath, look at all the words you wrote, pick the one that best embodies how you want to feel in 2020.
Pro-tip: If you’re having trouble coming up w/ words…
— use some of the WOTY ideas below
— think of feelings you did NOT like in 2019 & jot down some words that are the opposite. 💕

How do YOU want to FEEL in 2020…

>>> WOTY IDEAS <<<
rise, space, present, now, guided, reach, strong, authentic, thoughtful, grateful, pleasure, expand, courage, confidence, harmony, kindness, flourish, evolve, vulnerable, passion, curious, resilient, powerful, magnetic, ease, brave, rebellious, spirited, boss, connected, grounded, innocent, sunny, chill, legit, passionate, generous, adventure, dreamy, creative, influential, decisive, soulful, golden, electric, ready, limitless, rich, certain, fulfilled, nourished, daring, classy, graceful, badass, fearless, natural, playful, light, flow, high-vibe, organized, peace, gangsta, abundance, love, happy, wild, big, bold, joy, simplify, focus, irresistible, fierce, compassion, thrive, open, fun, forgive, trust, cozy, warrior, vibrant, unstoppable, consistent, aligned, balanced, bliss, freedom, sparkle, present, create, clarity, action, positivity, content, inspired, alive, etc.

Here are my WOTYs…
2016: Simplify
(feelings: ease, clarity, light)
2017: Gangsta
(feelings: confident, sassy, community)
2018: First-class
(feelings: quality, ease, valued)
2019: Rise
(feelings: light-hearted, wise, confident)
2020: Extra
(feelings: big, confident, spirited)

Now, time to pick your WOTY!
Wishing you a ✨MAGICAL✨ 2020!
xx Dawn

Originally published at on December 30, 2019.

