Guess & Test

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readJul 26, 2018

Do you feel FRUSTRATED by a BAD HABIT that keeps you STUCK where you are?

Here’s a trick I use myself & with my clients:
It’s called GUESS & TEST. Read on…

👉Step 1: GUESS.
Why do you think the bad habit is happening? You don’t have to KNOW why, just take a GUESS.
👉Step 2: TEST.
Brainstorm some crazy, playful, light-hearted solutions and pick one that seems the most fun. You don’t have to COMMIT to the strategy, just TEST it out.

I LOVE the words “GUESS” & “TEST.” They are good vibe words. It’s liberating that I don’t have to KNOW or COMMIT. I can just be playful w/ possible solutions & see how it goes. 🙌

Here’s an example of GUESS & TEST in action:
Bad Habit: You had a healthy dinner planned but instead you binged on chips & salsa.
GUESS: You were too hungry to execute the planned meal so you had to eat something faster.
TEST: Have veggies & dip right when you get home from work with a flute of kombucha. It’ll take the edge off so you can make your meal.
-or maybe-
GUESS: Your planned meal is too boring/too healthy.
TEST: Fun-up your dinners. Like if you ❤️ chips, eat more taco salads so you can incorporate crushed chips. You gotta be BOTH physically full + MENTALLY satisfied from a meal or you will never truly feel at peace.

Now it’s YOUR turn.💫
What BAD HABIT would you like to change? Take a GUESS about why it’s happening. Then brainstorm a crazy, playful strategy that you can TEST. NOTE: Brainstorming can be something you do solo or ask for ideas from friends or even search the internet.

When you problem solve with a light-hearted, fun vibe…MAGICAL things happen.

You will start ENJOYING the process of change instead of feeling heavy frustration.

And if your first TEST doesn’t work. Repeat the process. Just GUESS & TEST again and again until you find the strategy that keeps your habit in check MOST of the time. It’s about joyful progress, not perfection. xx

Originally published at

