Lifestyle Weight Loss

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
1 min readSep 23, 2019

When it comes to weight loss, people can be pretty mean & abusive to their body… restriction, calorie obsession, excessive exercise, negative self-talk. BUT…

Weight loss and body love can co-exist! You can LOVE YOUR BODY and at the same time make changes to LOSE WEIGHT. It’s all about the intention & motivation behind behaviors.

So how do I teach my clients to lose weight that’s not full of judgement, shame, and deprivation???


“Make it a LIFESTYLE”
Below is a list comparing DIETING mindset/habits versus the healthier & happier LIFESTYLE mindset/habits.

Dieting Weight Loss
vs. LIFESTYLE Weight Loss

Have list of off-limit foods
vs embrace cravings!!

Fixate on scale goals
vs track non-scale goals!!

Weigh & measure food
vs use visual wisdom!!

Count calories
vs learn calories-ISH!!

Focus on end goal
vs focus on immediate benefits!!

Exercise to burn calories
vs exercise as self-care!!

Intention to get skinny
vs intention to feel good!!

Eat to restrict calories
vs eat to nourish body!!

Pursue perfection
vs aim for progress!!

You’re in it for the long haul, no quick fix. Embrace the LIFESTYLE way of getting healthier and losing weight.

Originally published at on September 23, 2019.

