Photo Food Logging

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)


Logging your food can help you be more mindful & eat better. However, I don’t do food logs w/ clients because they are SO BORING. Writing down everything you eat….exhausting. snooze.

So… INSTEAD of writing down what they eat, I ask my clients to do PHOTO FOOD LOGS. And they are MAGICAL. In fact, this is exactly what I did with my contestant Jasmin to help us win a weight loss reality TV show.

It’s more FUN to take pictures & it really helps you SEE what you are doing. Plus, many of my clients have DOUBLED weight loss results by logging like this. And the best part, this is all VISUAL. No counting, no measuring, no obsessing, no dieting.

It’s an eye opener, really. It helps to pinpoint patterns that are sabotaging you like: skipping meals, dining out frequently, eating too much sugar, not eating enough veggies, etc.

Try Photo Food Logging. Here’s How:

There are apps that can help you, but to keep it simple just take pictures on your phone. Pro-Tip: Keep the pics organized by making a new album called “food log.”

Take pictures of EVERYTHING you eat & drink for 7 DAYS.

Remember you’re taking pictures not to be perfect, just to be mindful. There’s MAGIC in taking that picture. For the brief second while you’re taking a picture it helps you be more conscious about what you’re putting into your body. Taking a picture helps you take OWNERSHIP of your decision, and that feels empowering.

Once you have your food pictures for 7 days, use this quick CHECKLIST to review your pics:

1. RATIOS. Do I have my ratios right at each meal? A little grain + a little protein + lots of veggies w/ 100ish calories of a fat topping.

2. COLOR. Not enough color means not enough produce. When you scan your pics look for lots of colorful, alive produce at meals/snacks — not just packaged or beige foods.

3. NUMBER. Too many pictures means eating too often, too few pictures means skipping too often. Aim for 3 meal pics/day + up to 2 snack pics/day. Best snacks are produce + protein combos.

4. SWEETS/TREATS/ALCOHOL. When I’m having these are they social & fun — not at home, not alone.

5. WATER. Am I drinking enough water, at least half my body weight in ounces each day?

Give it a try!
Start snapping your pics

Originally published at

