Seriously Addictive Kale Salad

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readApr 18, 2018

Health gurus (including myself) post too many kale salad recipes. But this one is special, I swear! 😉

I got inspired by a Kale Caesar Salad the chefs make for the players at Wrigley. I create my own version of it. And it is addictive. Seriously.

5-Ingredient Seriously Addictive Kale Salad
dinosaur kale* + EVOO + minced garlic + sunflower seed dust** + lemon

DIRECTIONS: 1. Put 2 bunches of thinly-chopped dinosaur kale (a.k.a. lacianto kale) leaves in a large bowl. 2. Heat 2T extra virgin olive oil in a skillet over medium heat and stir in 1 minced garlic clove + 2T ground sunflower seed dust. Keep over heat for 1 minute.

3. Pour the hot oil over kale, squeeze a little fresh lemon, and toss.

Yup, that’s it. Now you have Seriously Addictive Kale Salad! Eat it right away, or leftovers are great for days in the fridge. Try it with a piece of salmon, truly heaven.


*Dinosaur kale is a must … it’s more tender than curly kale. **Wrigley chefs use breadcrumbs, but my version tastes great w/ the superfood upgrade of sunflower seed dust. How to: Simply pulse toasted/salted sunflower seeds in a blender. Magical “dust” with serious umami, a.k.a. meaty, flavor.

Bonus: Here’s a few other things I’ve been feeding the Cubs.

Originally published at

