Zip It. I’m the Boss.

Dawn Jackson Blatner
Nutrition WOW (Words of Wisdom)
2 min readJul 18, 2018

Question: Why is it that we KNOW what to do, but we struggle with actually DOING it??

Answer: It’s because of CRAP VOICES getting in our way. We have inner “mean girls” who work to sabotage our efforts. They push us off track with our eating & exercise intentions.

The Sabotaging VOICES
(I bet these sound familiar…)
>>The Negotiator says: “This one time won’t matter. It’s just a little. You’ve had a bad day, you need this. You can make it up tomorrow.”

>>The Pessimist says: “Why suffer, this isn’t gonna work. You’ll never get to where you want, it’s hopeless so might as well stop trying.”

>>The Perfectionist says: “You screwed up & undid all of your efforts, nothing good you do matters now. Forget it, just start all over tomorrow/Monday/etc.”

Much of the common advice is to talk back & argue with these voices. BUT here’s a better idea next time you hear one of these VOICES:

Don’t waste your time and energy going back & forth with these “mean girl” VOICES. Instead tell them:

“Zip it, I’m the BOSS.

And I won’t be sabotaged.”

PRACTICE this regularly and you will feel MORE empowered & LESS frustrated with your healthy eating & exercise habits.

This is the success mindset you need to reach your wellness goals LIKE. A. BOSS. xoxo

BONUS: Learn how to do a thought DETOX >>HERE<<.

Originally published at

