Uniswap ETH-AC LP Strategy Staking Guide (fka. Straddle Pool Mining Guide)

Define DeFi
NUTS Finance
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2020

**Update as of 12/12/2020

The Straddle Pool has been renamed to Uniswap ETH-AC LP Strategy as of the start of Week 11. Please note that any context related to the Straddle Pool throughout this article is referring to the Uniswap ETH-AC LP Strategy.

The Straddle pool is ranked within the Top 5 yield farming pools sorted by APY on CoinGecko. Please note that it is also the only pool with a published security audit at the time of writing!


Since we are getting swamped with questions on how to participate in the AC Liquidity Mining programs, we have created a detailed guide for the novice farmers to start out on their journey. Without further ado, let’s begin!

**Please ensure that you have sufficient ETH in your wallet to pay for gas before you start.**

Step 1: Enter AC Rewards Portal — https://app.acbtc.fi/rewards

Step 2: Click the “Connect” button in the upper right corner to connect the Ethereum wallet ( e.g. MetaMask). After connecting, go to the Dashboard to click the “Create” button to activate a Smart Account. Read the introduction and click “Create Your Account”. (Please pay attention that we need to wait for a while to confirm, so Do Not click again).

Step 3: Once the smart account has been created, we can see the smart account address.

Step 4: Click the “Buy AC” next to “Rewards” to obtain AC token first if you don’t have any to start with. (You can also participate in the Big Blind Pool to earn AC)

Step 5: You will be redirected to Uniswap to buy AC. Select “I understand” and click “Continue”.

Step 6: Now you can obtain AC with ETH, USDT or any other tokens that you have available in your wallet.

Step 7: After getting AC token successfully, go back to the Rewards page (https://app.acbtc.fi/rewards). Click on “UNI-ETH-AC”, this will lead you to the ‘add liquidity’ page on Uniswap.

Alternatively, you can access the LP pool directly via this link >> https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/0x9a0aba393aac4dfbff4333b06c407458002c6183/ETH)

Step 8: In the “Add Liquidity” page on Uniswap, you can see the default input of AC and ETH. Click the “Approve AC” button.

Step 9: Once approved, you can enter the amount and click “Supply”. Review the amount of AC/ETH Pool Tokens that you will get in return for providing liquidity. Click “Confirm Supply” to complete adding liquidity.

Step 10: Once you have completed the steps above, you can see your contributions to the Uniswap LP Pool as well as the LP token you received.

Step 11: Now go back to https://app.acbtc.fi. Click the “Deposit” button to deposit AC/ETH LP token. (you also can use the QR code or smart account address to receive the deposit)

Step 12: Select the token type to“UNI-ETH-AC”. The UNI-ETH-AC amount also is the AC/ETH LP token you received from Uniswap. The Depositor’s Balance displays the amount of UNI-ETH-AC you have in your Ethereum wallet (e.g. MetaMask).

Enter the amount and click “Deposit”, sign the transaction then wait for a few seconds and you will see the deposited amount in the Smart Account Balance.

Step 13: Click “Rewards” and select the “Straddle” pool.

Step 14: The amount in the right-hand cared represents the UNI-ETH-AC amount you have staked. Click the “Stake” and enter the UNI-ETH-AC amount that you want to stake, then click “Confirm”. Wait for seconds to confirm. The amount of UNI-ETH-AC Available in this part represents the amount that you have in your wallet.

Step 15: If you want to take your UNI-ETH-AC back in this pool, just click “Unstake” and enter the amount, then click “Confirm”. Wait for seconds to confirm. The amount of UNI-ETH-AC Available in this part represents the amount that you still have staked in this pool.

Step 16: The amount in the left-hand card represents the amount of AC rewards that haven’t been claimed. If we click “Claim”, the claimed AC rewards will be in the Smart Account. If you want to have it in your wallet, you need to withdraw.

AC Liquidity Mining Resource Pack

  1. Understanding AC Rewards
  2. acVault Migration
  3. acBTC Rewards Portal
  4. 5-minute Tutorial

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