ACoconut v2 Beta Testing Guide

Define DeFi
NUTS Finance
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2021

**please note that beta testing on BSC has ended**

ACoconut v2 on BSC Main:

ACoconut v2 on BSC Beta:

BSC Wallet Setup

Setting up a BSC wallet for the first time via MetaMask or TokenPocket. If you already have a BSC wallet, feel free to skip to the next section.

MetaMask (Desktop)

If you don’t have MetaMask installed, please follow the MetaMask setup guide. Once you already have MetaMask installed, please enter the details below to configure a Custom RPC network.

BSC Network Details
Network Name: BSC
New RPC URL (Select any one of the following):
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol: BNB

TokenPocket Wallet (Mobile)

BEP20 AC is currently supported by non-custodial wallets such as MathWallet and TokenPocket.

Similar to any non-custodial wallets, please take good care of your private keys and/or seed phrases when setting up a wallet for the first time.

Open the Discover tab, enter to access ACoconut v2

Tokens Required

  • Please ensure your wallet is equipped with BNB (BEP20), BTCB or one of the following interest bearing BTC tokens: vBTC, autoBTC, acsBTCB, fBTCB
  • BNB will be used for paying gas on the BSC network
  • BTCB, vBTC, autoBTC, fBTC can be used to mint Single+ tokens

Mint Single+ Tokens

  • Select “BTC+” from the left-hand menu, then select “Mint” and “Single+” tab
  • Choose the type of Single+ token you wish to mint
  • Please note that if you don’t have any interest bearing BTC tokens, you can also mint Single+ token with BTCB
  • Enter an amount and click “Approve”
  • Upon successful approval, click “Mint”

Deposit Single+ Tokens to Gauge

  • Select Earn from the left-hand menu. Choose any Single+ gauge and click “Deposit”
  • Enter the deposit amount and click “Approve”
  • Upon successful approval, click “Deposit”

Claim AC Rewards

  • Select Earn from the left-hand menu. You can submit a “claim all” transaction by clicking on “Claim” located within the “AC Ready for Claim” section
  • After a successful claim, you can see your AC balance in the upper right hand corner.

Supplemental Information

  • The AC rewards you earned during the Beta testing period is a mock AC token
  • Maintain mock AC in your wallet to qualify for AC Airdrop

You can add the mock AC token to your wallet via the following contract address 0xe9c1b8993a8750ae65607ef91ebcde595deb4ec3

Withdraw Single+ Tokens from Gauge

  • Select Earn from the left-hand menu and click “Withdraw” from the BTC gauge which you have made a deposit
  • Enter an amount and click “Withdraw”. The Single+ tokens will be deposited to your wallet upon successful withdrawal

Redeem Single+ Tokens

  • Select BTC+ from the left-hand menu. Select Redeem and Single+ tab
  • Enter an amount you wish to redeem and choose the redemption token type
  • Click “Approve” if you are conducting a redemption transaction for the first time. Then click “Redeem”

Analyze Your Earnings

To analyze your returns on Single+ tokens, select “BTC+” from the left-hand menu. Select “Statistics” and switch to “My Portfolio”

  • Rebased Amount represents the total amount of positively rebased Single+ tokens earned by an individual user
  • Rebased Earnings represents the total earning accrued value from positively rebased Single+ tokens for an individual use
  • APY represent the sum of weighted average return for S+ tokens and BTC+ for an individual user


About ACoconut

ACoconut is a BTC DeFi protocol suite designed to enable frictionless movement of BTC liquidity between decentralized systems. The ACoconut protocol suite consists of BTC+ and acBTC, powered by NUTS Finance.

About NUTS Finance

NUTS Finance is a blockchain development DAO focuses on building secure, composable and open source technology to empower financial applications on the blockchain. Our team is composed of experienced developers, financiers and serial entrepreneurs.

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