Nuvola 3 to Reach EOL on December 31

Jiří Janoušek
Nuvola News
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2017

As announced earlier, Nuvola 3.0 will reach the end of life status on December 31st, 2017 (two years after the initial 3.0.0 release). The package repository will be discontinued, but the source code will remain available. You can upgrade to the genuine flatpak builds of Nuvola 4 anytime.

Two years ago…

Nuvola 3.0.0 was released on December 30th, 2015. The screenshot comes from Nuvola 3 Beta (December 26th, 2015).

Nuvola 3.0.0, released on December 30th, 2015, was the first release that…

  • used the second generation of WebKitGTK+ web rendering library (WebKit2GTK+), that introduced multi-process architecture.
  • didn’t require nspluginwrapper to run Flash plugin and was able to use 64bit Flash plugin. (Nuvola 2 used 32bit plugin even on 64bit platforms because 64bit Flash was not supported by nspluginwrapper.)
  • allowed user to run multiple independent instances. Nuvola 2 was able to run only one script at a time.
  • provided packages also for Fedora. Nuvola 2 supported only Ubuntu & Debian.
  • supported client side window decorations in GNOME as well as traditional window decorations in Unity and other desktop environments.
  • added global keyboard shortcuts.
  • supported toggle actions (e.g. thumbs up/down) in Unity quick lists.

Nuvola 3.0 has received 10 maintenance releases to address various issues. Unfortunately, other issues could not be addressed because of the aging codebase and were fixed in Nuvola 4.

Nuvola Contributes to Good Angel Foundation

Jiri Janousek, the core developer of Nuvola Apps project, is glad to contribute a part of the project’s revenue to the Good Angel foundation. This way, he can regularly help families with children, which face financial distress as a result of severe illness. Even small monetary donations can help these families overcome a tough period.

Nuvola contributes to Good Angel Foundation.

Thank You for Your Support

At the time of writing, the awesome people listed bellow and a few others areNuvola Patrons, who support the development of Nuvola Player. Thank you all!

Andrew Allen, Simon Law, Bart Libert, Bryan Wyatt, Christian Dannie Storgaard, José Antonio Rey, Ryan Wagner, Chris Beeley, David, Andrew Azores, Andrew Kvalheim, Balázs, Ben MacLeod, Martin Wimpress, Duco van Amstel, David Wiczer, Gabriele, Nathan Warkentin.

If you are a Nuvola Patron but your name is not listed, you have to enable the “Show my name and a link to my external profile page in a list of Patrons.” option in your profile settings. Obviously, it is not enabled by default to protect privacy of our patrons.



Jiří Janoušek
Nuvola News

Software engineer, GNU/Linux lover, European citizen.