NWF: Lame Duck Line 5 Tunnel Legislation Ignores Safer Alternatives for Michigan Energy Needs

Drew YoungeDyke
NWF Great Lakes
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2018

(December 5, 2018 — Lansing, MI) — Today, the Michigan Senate passed a substitute version of legislation (SB 1197) to create an entirely new authority board to own and oversee a tunnel for Enbridge Energy’s Line 5 oil and natural gas pipeline, which carries up 23 million gallons of oil and natural gas liquids through the Straits of Mackinac each day.

“This rushed, half-baked legislation to advance the Snyder/Enbridge tunnel scheme is a diversion from the real issue that Michigan simply doesn’t need Line 5,” Mike Shriberg, Great Lakes Regional Executive Director of the National Wildlife Federation and a member of the Governor’s Pipeline Safety Advisory Board, stated. “The legislation attempts to keep the existing Line 5 threatening our water, economy and way of life for at least another decade while ignoring the safer alternatives for meeting Michigan’s energy needs. That’s a good deal for Enbridge and their lobbyists at the Capitol. It’s a bad deal for Michigan.”

SB 1197, introduced by Sen. Tom Casperson (R-Escanaba) passed 25–13 on mostly partisan lines and creates new authority — instead of assigning the Mackinac Bridge Authority the responsibility — composed of a 3-member board appointed by Governor Rick Snyder which will be required to approve a tunnel agreement between Governor Rick Snyder and Enbridge. The legislation can be viewed here: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(dxgxojlwtzf1luect3r04kl3))/mileg.aspx?page=BillStatus&objectname=2018-SB-1197

A series of reports commissioned by National Wildlife Federation from London Economics, International, showed that Upper Peninsula propane supplies would not be affected by the decommissioning of Line 5 if alternative means of transportation were utilized. A fact sheet summarizing the reports is available here: https://glbusinessnetwork.com/home/line-5-pipeline-straits-mackinac/leiline5/.




Drew YoungeDyke
NWF Great Lakes

Senior Communication Coordinator, National Wildlife Federation. Editor, NWF Great Lakes & Contributor, NWF Sportsmen.