19 Reasons to Join nwPlus

Victoria Kim
9 min readApr 8, 2021


We’re hiring for our 2021/2022 academic year. Applications are NOW OPEN to all UBC students, no matter your background/faculty, until April 9th.


Are you still on the fence about applying? Unsure if nwPlus would be the right fit for you? Our nwPlus members are here to provide you with 19 reasons to join nwPlus:

1. Alex Hernandez | CS and Environmental Science, 3rd year

The nwPlus team culture is absolutely amazing!! Although this was my first year at nwPlus, I can already say that the team is one of the most inclusive, caring and brilliant groups of people I’ve ever met- they’ve got big brains and big hearts! Whether you’re looking for new friends, mentors, or late night study buddies, nwPlus has got it all and more. Joining nwPlus was one of the best decisions I’ve made throughout university and I only wish I had joined sooner!

2. Sophie Berger | Computer Science & B+MM, 3rd year

nwPlus has had a major impact on both my hard as well as soft skills. The work has pushed me to become more familiar with marketing tools, SEO best practices and analytics, as well as the psychology behind a great marketing campaign. When it comes to soft skills, there are truly too many to list that nwPlus has allowed me to improve. But the warm and welcoming community has basically turned me into an extrovert and made me a lot more self-secure.

3. Philman Yeung | Commerce, 4th year

nwPlus made me feel connected and part of a passionate community of students — despite being all online! I wasn’t always confident in my skills or abilities as a designer, but in working and learning from others on the team is exactly the motivation that can keep you moving along! I think the biggest impact of nwPlus was all of the friends I made on the team, and in the tech community. :)

4. Kevin Zou | Computer Science, 4th year

Going into university I did not have any huge goals or motivations. Through some stroke of luck I found myself at nwPlus and that has made all the difference for my time at UBC. nwPlus is full of people who motivate and push me to do better each day. I always feel encouraged and supported with every step and I am in constant awe of the amazing things that others have done, which makes me want to do my best for them and myself!

5. Tiffany Yap | Commerce, 5th year

I cannot stress enough how much I adore nwPlus. The team is made up of talented individuals who strive for a safe and inclusive learning environment in the UBC tech community. The culture is warm, fun, & supportive which encourages me to do my best for both the organization and the wonderful people who lead it.

As a designer, I was able to grow my skills in both UX and visual design. I’ve had the privilege of learning from other brilliant designers who challenge me to become better than I was before.

6. Maggie Wang, Computer Science, 3rd year

At first I was intimidated by all the strangers in this new club that somehow chose to accept me, but it was not long before I felt like I belonged. The best part of nwPlus is getting to be part of a talented, wholesome, and tight-knit group. I’ve met so many great people on the team and we had many virtual coffee chats/team socials this past year where we just vibed out and did fun (sometimes hilariously dumb) things, which made the pandemic life much better. I’m grateful to the nwPlus team for helping me learn and grow so much since the moment I became a noob logistics coordinator.

7. Michelle Kim, Statistics, 2nd year

At nwPlus, we work with the tight-knitted team for months to plan the A to Z of one best hackathon we can possibly offer. Even better, all this effort never goes unnoticed! I’m out of words to describe the feeling of seeing people enjoying our event, thanking us for organizing, and coming back for other events. Among so many reasons I love nwPlus, one of the biggest reasons is this feeling of fulfilment after hosting a hackathon.

8. Christy Lo, Business and Computer Science, 3rd year

nwPlus has been such an amazing and supportive community! Everyone part of the club is passionate and dedicated to what they do, motivating me to do my role better. Over the past year of virtual school, the new friends I made through nwPlus have really been a great comfort because they are all so genuine, kind, and encouraging. The people is what makes nwPlus a great club with cool events.

9. Carmen Xu, Psychology, 4th year

As cheesy as it sounds, nwPlus is a club like no other. I love the missions behind each hackathon and the number of people we’ve been able to empower as a result. I’ve grown so much through opportunities like presenting workshops on impostor syndrome & computational thinking, leading logistics for 400+ hackers, leading initiatives to support local organizations and causes.

10. Jacky Zhao, Computer Science, 2nd year

I don’t exaggerate when I say that nwPlus is like a second family to me. I’ve grown as a person, friend, and organizer, met some amazing people, and have had the satisfaction of knowing the work we did was the small push that someone needed to decide that they belong in tech. Now THAT’s hard to find elsewhere.

Come join nwPlus and maybe it’ll give you the chance to empty the entire pastry section of costco change your life too :))

11. Shu Ting Hu, Computer Science, 3rd year

The simplest way to explain my admiration for nwPlus is the people. Everyone is passionate, driven and above all supportive. Together we’ll learn to eagerly step outside our comfort zones, initiate and implement positive impact and grow as a leader! A wholesome, loving, crackhead, chaotic-good family awaits you, we’re so excited to see what we can create next with your help!

12. Allison Chiang, Computer Science (prev. Chem & Bio), 5th year

You should join nwPlus if you’re someone who’s passionate about getting involved with the local tech community! At nwPlus we strive to create an inclusive, diverse, and accessible (hint: those are the three main pillars of our beginner-oriented hackathon, Hackcamp) community for all students who want to get a fully-immersive tech experience.

Join nwPlus to learn about hackathons, the local tech industry, and (most of all) yourself and how you can be impactful in tech! I will be honest, it will not be a small commitment, but… you will find yourself amongst a collective of other passionate student organizers who love to give back, lend a helping hand, and offer each other support throughout the school year and beyond. After all, you can’t spell nwPlus without US!

13. Daniel Shmidov, Business and Computer Science, 2nd year

I adore nwPlus for the people, the crackhead energy and the culture; which is so strong!

nwPlus has opened my eyes to the amount of love, dedication and collaboration necessary to run and host thousands of people in our hackathons.

From staying up late to finish tasks with friends to playing video games for hours. Nw Plus will be your family, your best friends and the highlight of your university career.

14. Alice Kim, Computer Science, 5th year

Everyone in nwPlus is striving to their best to make the events happen. The community truly looks out for each other. Lots of social events especially during the pandemic era, to make sure everyone gets a chance to bond with others.

15. Stephanie Chen, Computer Science, 3rd year

nwPlus was the catalyst for my journey into tech (specifically cmd-f 2019!), and I would definitely not be where I am today without it! Not only did cmd-f open new doors for me that I never thought were possible, but it also pushed me to become a part of the nwPlus family and inspire other students through coordinating a series of (virtual) events and hackathons. Joining nwPlus is an amazing way to contribute to the local tech community with a super committed group of people who are all extremely passionate about everything they do. Whether you’re curious about applying tech to another industry as someone who has barely dabbled in programming, enthusiastic about bringing revolutionary hackathon projects to life, or passionate about empowering minorities in STEM — nwPlus is welcoming you to apply with open arms! :)

16. Victoria Lim, Undeclared, 1st year

Prior to joining nwPlus, I was amazed by the pillars of diversity, inclusion and accessibility that illuminated each event and opportunity they held. It has been a privilege to work with a team that upholds such values close to my heart and exemplifies it in everything they do. I am consistently inspired by the drive that each one of my team members’ possesses and strongly believe that nwPlus is more than a “hackathon club”, but a driving force towards change in the tech community. If that sounds like something you want to be part of, I can think of no better place to begin that journey than with our nwPlus family.

17. Jaehun Song, Computer Science, 5th year

nwPlus is one of the best clubs I have had the pleasure to be a part of during my university life. Everyone here is so passionate, smart and welcoming, and the events and activities that are created here are planned with so much care! 10/10 club! 👍

18. Ian Mah, Computer Science, 4th year

Think of nwPlus as a collection of the craziest energy, talent, and passion. If you want to see how a club should be run, each of our different portfolios are full of super experienced people who are just good at what they do. From organizing events, marketing/brand strategy, to building applications (as a dev, especially this), the team is constantly killing it. It’s an amazing opportunity and learning experience that you don’t want to miss out on.

19. Victoria Kim, Economics, 4th year

nwPlus takes the definition of “dedication” to another level. The amount of passion and love for the tech community I find in this club truly inspires me every day. We’re not afraid to confront discomfort and change norms when it comes to organizing our hackathons. I can’t recommend joining nwPlus enough — it was single-handedly the best decision I made when I was in my second year. Join us for wholesome laughs and infectious energy! You won’t regret it.




Ok seriously… if you’re not convinced yet I’m not sure what to tell you.

nwPlus — the team behind some of the largest hackathons in the Pacific Northwest.
Stay in touch: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter



Victoria Kim
Writer for

Hi! I’m an economics student at UBC. Passions include: Tech Inclusivity, Entrepreneurship, Fitness, & Cooking! Follow for subpar writing and mediocre jokes :)