nwPlus presents: Local Hack Day + nwHacks

Published in
3 min readOct 29, 2018

nwPlus is busy. We are the host of nwHacks, Local Hack Day, and hacker community events at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada.

“Hello nwPlus, it’s nice to meet you.”

nwPlus, a UBC-affiliated club of the Alma Mater Society, is a dedicated team with 25+ undergraduate students behind its year-round presence. We’re committed to establishing a culture of design, entrepreneurship, and community among future hackers of the Pacific Northwest.

At nwPlus, we’re driven by our unique vision to be a critical part of the growing Vancouver tech community and increase its North American reputation and presence.

Let’s hack together. 👩‍💻 👨‍💻

UBC Local Hack Day

Local Hack Day is a Global Event hosted by Major League Hacking and GitHub, where campuses across the global hacker community host beginner friendly hackathons that bring students together to hack over the span of 12 hours.

Over the past 2 years, UBC’s Local Hack Day, formerly UBC Hacks, focused on providing students with an opportunity to build their passion projects and contributing to build an inclusive, diverse and accessible local tech community.

On December 1st, 250 hackers will come together again to do just that.

For UBC Local Hack Day, registration will open early November.

nwHacks 2019

nwHacks is the largest student-run hackathon in Western Canada. nwHacks is dedicated to supporting the thriving community of technology lovers in the Pacific Northwest region and curate unforgettable hacker experiences.

On January 26th — 27th, we are excited to host 650 hackers for an epic two day event.

For nwHacks 2019, applications are open from November 1st to December 15th.

We stand as tall as our mountains with three driving values.

+ Bridge connections. Talent has been funneling into Vancouver and consequently, the Pacific Northwest over the last decade. We want to be the connectors and fasteners of peer-to-peer student mentorships and teams, student-industry relationships, and collaboration between local industry leaders. Our goal is to facilitate these student and industry connections for a new standard in how the higher education and tech communities intertwine.

+ Empower skill-building. Creating things is hard but it’s easier as a team. We focus on building beginners up through confidence and opportunity while challenging experienced hackers to explore new avenues and become mentors. Our goal is to excite new talent and fuel the passion in seasoned talent.

+ Approach tech as a tool. We want to foster hacks that critically analyze our world and define solutions to further human goals.

It’s our 5th anniversary. 🎉

The greatest present we could receive is your appreciation, love, and support. Show us at @nwPlusUBC on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. See you soon.

nwhacks.io — Western Canada’s largest hackathon hosted by nwPlus.
Stay in touch: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram



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The student tech community behind some of the largest hackathons in the Pacific Northwest - empowering thousands of hackers through HackCamp, nwHacks and cmd-f