Passing the Torch: Two generations of nwPlus answer the same questions…

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7 min readApr 2, 2024

Meet Victoria (Vic), she/her, nwPlus Team 2020–’24, and Jennifer (Jen), she/her, nwPlus Team 2023–present!

Vic: outgoing Marketing Director (left) and Jen: outgoing Content Writer (right)

Victoria Lim (she/her) represents the “old” generation of nwPlus. Her nwPlus journey began in 2020 and has spanned roles like Marketing Director (2023–24), Co-President (2022–23), cmd-f Logistics Coordinator (2021–22), and First Year Representative on the Design and cmd-f logistics teams (2020–21). She majors in Cognitive Systems and her interests include checking out new viewpoints around Metro Vancouver, reading memoirs and contemporary fiction novels, and spending time with friends and family.

Jennifer Shui (she/her) represents the “new” generation of nwPlus. Her nwPlus journey began last year in 2023, as Content Writer and she’s been writing countless Medium articles and post captions since. She’ll be joining the HackCamp Logistics team next year! She majors in Commerce and her interests include playing tennis, narrative video games, and taking photos of Vancouver’s great outdoors.

As they are both non-technical majors and represent different generations of nwPlus, we had them reflect on their journeys, including the advice they would give to future generations of nwPlus 👀 as well as the skills and lessons they’ve learned.

What empowered you to join nwPlus coming from a non-technical background?

Vic: I first learned about nwPlus during the summer before my first year of university when I participated in their connect-f mentorship program. This initiative pairs incoming high school and first-year university students who identify as underrepresented genders in technology with third and fourth-year underrepresented gender students in technology. Through witnessing the inspiring cmd-f team lead the program and the fun-filled recaps of nwPlus’ hackathons on Instagram,

I knew in my heart that this was the community I wanted to spend the next four years of my university career with.

I applied with an interest in UX/UI design and tech and a willingness to learn — I always say I had never wanted anything in my life as badly as I wanted to join nwPlus at the time, and I think that passion was evident :)

Jen: I’ve always been interested in the tech industry, but I was struggling to get involved in clubs at UBC with my background in business and skillset at the time. What drew me to nwPlus initially was the quality of the events, publications, and designs, as well as the supportive team environment. Since I’ve always loved storytelling in visual and written forms, I decided to join the team as a content writer to contribute to nwPlus’ marketing initiatives. By combining my skills in copywriting and passion for tech, I felt empowered to join nwPlus after seeing how well non-tech majors were able to contribute their skills and perspectives — I couldn’t wait to be a part of that environment!

What skills did you have coming in and what skills do you have currently?

Jen: Coming into nwPlus, I had some experience writing, editing, and ideating article ideas for my high school newspaper club. This year, I’ve learned so much about marketing strategy, writing for different audiences, and most of all, what makes large-scale events run so smoothly. Working with an internal organizing team of 40+, I’ve experienced a true collaborative environment and have become much more comfortable networking with working professionals in the tech industry.

Overall, nwPlus has not only helped me become more proficient with social media marketing, but also more confident as an individual passionate about tech.

Vic: I joined nwPlus as a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first-year who had some experience running small events in high school clubs and no technical experience in coding or design.

In my first semester at nwPlus, I joined the design team — and if you’ve seen our hackathon websites / any of our graphics, you’d know it is an intimidatingly talented group. It was where I learned how to use Figma, wireframe, prototype, and UX/UI design for the first time. The next semester, I joined the cmd-f logistics team to organize Western Canada’s largest hackathon for underrepresented genders in technology, spearheading the logistics behind the keynote panels of cmd-f Learn Day and the cmd-f hackathon. I further honed my skills in event planning in my second year as a cmd-f logistics coordinator, before making the jump in my third year to become Co-President. By leading the return to in-person hackathons after the pandemic, I gained valuable leadership, project management, conflict management, and communication skills.

In my final year with nwPlus, I led the marketing team, devising and executing strategies for engaging an audience of thousands across various social media platforms. Huge shoutout to my amazing marketing team — it’s been an absolute honor to serve as your director. ❤

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in nwPlus?

Vic: The biggest lesson I’ve learned in my four years in nwPlus is that teamwork really does make the dream work. Although I’ve had the privilege of holding several leadership positions in nwPlus and leading various initiatives over the years, I couldn’t have made the impact I’ve had without the rest of my team. Everyone has a role to play in the lead-up to and at our events no matter your role in logistics, marketing, design, sponsorship, etc. What makes nwPlus so special is our ability to seamlessly unite in pursuit of our shared mission — to deliver an exceptional hacker experience.

As we say in our hiring package, you’ll gain “A lifelong family that supports each other through thick and thin. We celebrate our successes and learn from our failures, together.” Nothing is truer than that :)

Jen: nwPlus has honestly changed my perspective on my career and academics for the better, even after just one year on the team! As someone who has struggled to figure out a set path for myself, one of the most important things that I’ve learned (and still learning!) is that once you find what you’re passionate about, keep doing it because it’ll make ‘work’ seem that much easier. I’ve discovered a love for the people, experiences, and creativity that I find in the tech field, and I’m looking forward to working hard to find my own future path in the industry.

What is one of your favourite memories in nwPlus?

Jen: My favourite memory has to be during nwPlus’ reading break trip to Honolulu, where we played frisbee and ran away from the surf on Sunset Beach. We stayed there from afternoon until late sunset, taking photos of the sun going down over the horizon, and ended the night with poke dinner outside. In moments like those, I feel incredibly grateful to have gained a community of friends in nwPlus who were all brought together because of things we love to do together — bringing hackathon experiences to students and having fun.

Vic: Like Jen, my fondest memories in nwPlus are the trips we’ve gone on together. In 2022, some of us traveled to HackCon X & New York, which marked the first time we traveled internationally as a group (as we were coming out of the pandemic). It was an incredible bonding experience- from the summer camp atmosphere at HackCon, to falling asleep for most of a Broadway show (in our defense it was to the lullaby-sounding Phantom of the Opera and I was exhausted), to navigating the hustle and bustle of Times Square, and unexpectedly spending overnight at LaGuardia Airport due to a plane delay. It’s never a dull moment with nwPlus!

Vic and Jen (middle left and right, respectively) at the nwPlus Team Chilliwack Retreat in fall 2023!

One piece of advice for incoming applicants?

Jen: My best advice is to showcase what you’re passionate about in your application and interview. In my experience, when people talk about what they love to do and what they’re best at, there’s a noticeable change in how they conduct themselves — and it’s always a welcome sight! Because we value passion over experience, we love hearing about how you’ve grown as an individual and how those skills can contribute to our team’s mission. Be yourself and let your personality shine!

Vic: Effort and enthusiasm go a long way — to stand out, try to demonstrate a high level of effort and thought in your written application as it is how we first get to know you. Articulate how your experiences directly apply to the roles that you are applying for, and even if they don’t directly correlate, reflect on your own goals with joining nwPlus.

What about nwPlus intrigues you? How do you see yourself growing in the roles that you are applying for? What meaningful contributions and diverse perspectives can you bring? Reflect on these questions and let your enthusiasm and passion shine through!

And that’s a wrap! Thank you Vic and Jen for sharing their diverse perspectives and amazing advice!

P.S. Spring hiring for the 2024–25 school year is still underway, and closes April 3rd at 11:59 pm PST!

☝️ Hiring Package

✌️ Application Form

Best of luck and we can’t wait to welcome you into the nwFamily!



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The student tech community behind some of the largest hackathons in the Pacific Northwest - empowering thousands of hackers through HackCamp, nwHacks and cmd-f