The year at a glance: nwPlus 2022/2023 calendar

Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2022

New school year, new nwPlus events! First things first, nwPlus is currently hiring! Check out our hiring package and apply to join our incredible organizing team!

The year at a glance: 2022/2023 calendar

Before we give you a sneak peek at our upcoming events, let’s do a quick recap of the 2021/2022 school year!

The 2021/2022 school year was a busy mix of virtual and hybrid events. We continued with familiar annual events such as nwHacks (the largest hackathon in Western Canada) and cmd-f (British Columbia’s largest women and gender-diverse* hackathon). HackCamp (our beginner-friendly hackathon) ran for the second time ever since its rebrand while connect-f, our mentorship program for women and gender-diverse individuals, also enjoyed its sophomore year.

Our team members also worked hard on both internal and personal projects. Throughout the year, we built discord bots and worked hard on reducing the carbon footprint of our events. In recognition of his contribution to the hacker community, last year’s co-president, Jacky, was featured in the MLH Top 50 Class of 2021. He also ran an introduction to React workshop at Hack The North. In February, two teams from nwPlus participated in ETHGlobal’s Road to Web3 hackathon, both winning prizes. The same month, our current co-president Michelle and sponsorship coordinator Sophia also won at a product sprint!

As things move back to in-person, nwPlus is ready to come back with our biggest events yet! We will be bringing an exciting roster of both new and old events that you can look forward to. We hope to see you there!

September 2022:

  • Hiring (nwPlus Team and 1st/2nd year representatives)
  • connect-f Mentorship Applications

October 2022:

  • cmd-f Phase 1

November 2022:

  • HackCamp
  • cmd-f Phase 2

January 2023:

  • nwHacks

February 2023:

  • cmd-f Phase 3

March 2023:

  • cmd-f

Note: event details are subject to change. Contact us or find us on social media for the most up-to-date information. And don’t forget to join our newsletter to stay in touch!



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The student tech community behind some of the largest hackathons in the Pacific Northwest - empowering thousands of hackers through HackCamp, nwHacks and cmd-f