Tip # 1 (Learning): …

Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2017

Learning is a very integral part of human nature. Our species has a unique quality that helps us survive in the world. The ability to learn new things.

In modern days, the power of knowledge is ever more needed. Now a days even to socialize you sort of have to learn how to do so. Times have changed, and a lot of it is because our social adaptation to technology.

Technology has a lot of influence on how we interact with the world. The days of calling someone randomly and start chatting with them to simply check on that person are (sadly, in my opinion) sort of over. Now people look more at their SnapChat, instagram, facebook, or at twitter more than their personal email. People check their social media more than their actual physical mailboxes from their local parcel. However, theirs a common starting point in all these new interactions. Learning how to do it.

Many people that, for some reasons or another, may not be to familiar with new ways of interact with others may be having a lack of knowledge on how to do it. Even for that matter, where or with what to start with. What kind of device, what kind of social media, even what is social media? These are some questions that people may have when they are new to technology.

The one thing to keep in mind is that no matter what is your end purpose, you should start by asking a simple question: What do I want to do?

Tip # 1: Recognize what is the purpose of what you want to do.

Lets say you just took this amazing picture, you immediately recognize that the picture that you just took is a breath taking picture, usually what follows is an immediate overwhelming feeling of satisfaction. However, somehow that satisfaction is just not enough. You have a sense of something, and you just know it, but you can’t identify what it is. After all, that picture is one of a kind. The first thing you should do is stop and think what do you really want to do with it. Most likely your first purpose may be to share it with someone. Yes, Thats it, you really want to share it with someone. You just recognized the first purpose of your desires with the picture that you took. Now what? You have recognized that you want to share it, but then… how do you share it? Now fear starts to kick in, fear because we can decide in how to share it. When to share it? To whom to share it with?

Fear is overwhelming you and it can dominate your original feelings of excitement just because the lack of knowledge on how to share this picture. So much so, that you just simply don’t want to think about it because it causes unnecessary stress that you are just simply not used to. This brings us to our next tip which we will be discussing in our next post

Stay tuned!



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