Weekly Crypto News — Dec I, 2018

Arthur Penzl
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2018

All them kids, crawling, kicking, running. Growing big. We’ve celebrated a birthday since the last Nxter News post, Nxt’s 5th. Soon we’ll witness a new birth, an independent clone of Nxt will be born on December 25th, with a set of strong genes inherited, but different from Nxt, with a completely different goal in life, Rya. We look into the JPL.

On January 1st, Ardor turns 1, and with it, Ignis, Bitswift. All them kids. AEUR. I am so proud of you all. With caring parents, friends, and community, but born into a competitive world. Best ideas, best in class, but not necessarily best at winning the attention game. Not in the same class as the rich kids, but working, working, gonna kick them in the teeth, learning, playing, working. We’re lightweight. We move fast.

WHAT a beautiful freezing cold December day. Today, it’s a bearish day, but let’s make it a good one. Hold tight, while block upon block gets added to the Nxt and Ardor blockchains, like a clockwork, secured by an energy efficient network of nodes across the globe. We bring you news about the next business child chains to be added to the Ardor platform, KYC and AML compliant ICO’s, the 2nd generation of Smart Contracts, and we invite you to follow the development of the only Full BaaS platform.

We thank you for letting us take you through another cold playful week that was.

Full version

> Happy B-Day NXT

The Nxt blockchain turned 5.


> Status Update

Asia Blockshow and Global Tech Summit in Sofia. Jelurida is out there pitching, hiring, hacking, taking the stage.

> Ardor Hackathon

This is your chance to join and win! There are 3 Lightweight Contract coding challenges, each one with a 1st prize — $4000, 2nd prize — $2000, and 3rd prize — $1000 (paid in IGNIS tokens). Deadline for submissions: January 10, 2019.


> Unintended Coolness

It’s confirmed. Nxt and Ardor child chains’ Unconfirmed Transactions Pool can be leveraged to create free decentralized p2p services. Galeki is back to expand on his previous discovery.

> Be A Part Of Us

If you are looking for a rabbit hole into our lovely community, there are several. Join us and learn from us, make friends and share your visions.

> Nothing At Stake

The infamous “Nothing at Stake” attack hints that the Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol is unsecure. After 5 years, NXT has never experienced the attack. Lior Yaffe looks into the obvious reasons.


> AEUR against BTC

AEUR got listed on the STEX exchange. The fiat backed Euro pegged token, which is so much more than “just another stable coin” — it has an arsenal of inbuilt decentralized features.

> Dominium ITO and Re-Brand

Dominium has been renamed to Max Property Group. The Dominium platform changes name to Max Crowdfund, and DOM becomes MPG. New launch date, reward program + ITO changes. We summarized it all for you.

> Triffic Pre-ICO kickoff: December 3

It’s time to gamify your life. Triffic’s GPS app will reward its users for doing everyday tasks. And it lets local businesses create loyalty programs that take advantage of its Augmented Reality features.


> What’s The Deal, NXT?

Airdrops? Snapshots? JPL? NXT? Confused? The Nxt source code is released under an open source “crypto” license which requires cloners to allocate 10% of their tokens to NXT holders. Understanding is key — here’s the FAQ to start with.

> RYA Genesis

The Rya team is getting ready to launch RYA. The snapshot was a success, now comes the Genesis Block, bootstrapping the network, and yes, the airdrop. Rya wants to tether money supply to credit as a function of P2P loans — and you are invited to it all!

> The Clones Are Coming

1:1 copycats: GTFO. But most clones start off from the Nxt code base and add their own magic. We took the time to track down some of the best known and most promising. From NEM to the latest: RYA. Did you catch all the airdrops?

This edition of Nxter News was first published in Nxter Magazine. Translations are published as they come in — Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Korean



Arthur Penzl

Updates from the IGNIS, Ardor and Nxt blockchain ecosystem.