Install Multichain blockchain explorer to explore assets and transactions available in blockchain.

Sourabhh Sethii
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018

Setup 1 : Follow the setups to download and install explorer on mutichain server.

Setup 2 : Configure MultiChain.conf

root@mutichain-instance-1:/usr/local/bin# cd ~/.multichain/chain1/
root@mutichain-instance-1:~/.multichain/chain1# cat multichain.conf
root@mutichain-instance-1:~/.multichain/chain1# cd ~/.multichain/chain1/
root@mutichain-instance-1:~/.multichain/chain1# grep rpc params.dat
default-rpc-port = 9742 # Default TCP/IP port for incoming JSON-RPC API requests.
root@mutichain-instance-1:~/.multichain/chain1# echo "rpcport=1234" >> multichain.conf
root@mutichain-instance-1:~/.multichain/chain1# cd multichain-explorer
bash: cd: multichain-explorer: No such file or directory
root@mutichain-instance-1:~/.multichain/chain1# cd ..
root@mutichain-instance-1:~/.multichain# ls
chain1 multichain.conf

Setup 3: Configure the Explorer

cd multichain-explorer
python -m Mce.abe --config chain1.conf

It would take some time to put previous block in the database.

Setup 4: Configure the Explorer

By default, the explorer will be listening for web requests on port 2750, unless you changed it in the Explorer’s configuration file. In your browser visit:

Reset the Explorer.

To start over with new chain data for a chain of the same name, simply:

  1. Stop the explorer.
  2. Delete the explorer database file chain1.explorer.sqlite (set in connect-args parameter in chain1.conf).
  3. Launch the explorer as above.


one has explored the way to install multichain explorer with it’s configurations.



Sourabhh Sethii
Editor for

I am an author of Building Digital Experience Platform and I am passionate about emerging technologies.