Why Java ?

Sourabhh Sethii
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2021

Why Java is better than other traditional programing languages?

Java have significant features which makes it unique such as

It is build on top of OOPS (Object Oriented programing)

It is simple to learn.

It is portable & Platform independent — Once Code is written & compiled — It coverts into byte code, these byte codes are platform independent ( Windows, Unix, Linux, OSX).

It is secured & Robust — Java can manage the huge loads of data generated by the industries like telecom, finance, banking etc.

Interpreted & High Performance — It provides lots many feature's such as memory management, garbage collection , multithreading, distributed hence these features makes it High Performance language.

Exception Handling — Java help us with handling exception efferently. It provides the check and uncheck exceptions where we can control the behavior of the code.

Garbage Collection — Memory allocations and removing unused object is completely taken care by GC(Garbage Collections).

What is JIT & What is JVM

JIT is the part of JVM and It provides the capabilities to improve the performance of JVM. It converts the compiling code into native instructions.

JVM — Java Virtual Machine, used in Java programing platform to run or execute the code. JVM makes java platform independent. Java code can be run on any platform such as Unix, Linux, Windows by executing byte codes. Java code is complied to class files which contains byte codes. These byte codes are executed by JVM.

JIT — Just In Time Compilation. execution of byte code is slower than execution of machine language code, JIT help JVM by compiling byte code into machine language.

I feel everyone has their own story to tell about the doing code, programing in Java. Feel free to provide more features, story and advantages of using Java over other languages in the comments box below.



Sourabhh Sethii
Editor for

I am an author of Building Digital Experience Platform and I am passionate about emerging technologies. https://sourabhhsethii.com/