Gender Discrimination in the High Flyers Club: Indian Air Hostess’ Battle for Workplace Equality

Shonottra Kumar
Published in
7 min readMay 1, 2020


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Have you ever heard of people criticising Air India for having ‘older’ air hostesses? They often try to justify their statement with further misogynistic remarks of there being an unspoken standard set by the industry of having certain kind of women be air hostesses — the pretty and young with just the right hair and makeup. They claim it to be a part of the air travel experience. But little do these people know that there is a story of a great struggle for women’s rights and equality there.

This story is not like any other legal battle you know of. It took place over a span of 30 years, with many cases filed before tribunals, high courts and supreme court and in many phases. Hereunder are the judgments passed through the years that narrate this struggle.

1982: Air India v. Nargesh Meerza

The judgment of the Nargesh Meerza case marked the first phase of the struggle.

The retirement age of air hostess was 35 years, much lesser than their male counterparts who had their retirement at 58 years and was raised to 45 years the Supreme Court in 1982. While this order may have been seen as a progressive step, the relief granted under it was only momentary. This Supreme Court order came with…



Shonottra Kumar

I write about making access to legal information and justice mechanism easier. And also a few pieces on life learnings!