Intuit Internship Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Geekhaven Technical Society
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2023


Hi everyone, I am Kirti Singla, a B.Tech student at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad. As placement and internship season is about to begin in most colleges, I thought to share my interview experience.

Intuit is a leading American company that specializes in financial software, offering a range of products such as Turbotax, Creditkarma, Mailchimp, and Quickbooks. Intuit is renowned for fostering an exceptional work culture and prioritizing its employees through various employee-centric policies. These include the flexibility to set individual deadlines, dedicated refreshing days for employees, lots of gifts and goodies, and an approachable and supportive leadership team.

Intuit visited our college to recruit summer interns for a two-month period.

Job Profile: Summer Intern

Role: Software Engineer

Eligibility Criteria: All branches 2024 batch

How I Prepared

During my summer break, I dedicated my time to practicing on Interviewbit. I strongly advocate for utilizing Interviewbit over Leetcode due to its comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics and inclusion of standard interview questions. In addition, I regularly participated in Leetcode’s Biweekly and Weekly contests. To enhance my understanding of the subjects, I studied from Gate Smashers and reviewed the last-minute notes provided by GFG. It’s worth mentioning that many students tend to overlook studying Computer Networks, but I believe it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the topics within that subject to be on the safer side. Including puzzle-solving and SQL question practice from Interviewbit in your preparation is highly recommended.

Recruitment Process

Coding Round

The coding round consisted of four questions, covering a range of difficulty levels from easy to hard, and allotted time limit of two hours. The topics of the questions were as follows: one easy question from Strings, two medium questions from Graphs and Array, and one hard question from Dynamic Programming.

Those candidates who successfully solved more than two questions were shortlisted for the interview stage.

Technical Round 1

During the interview, I was asked two Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) questions. The first question focused on arrays, with challenging constraints, while the second question was

Determine the angle between the hour and minute hands of
a clock given a specific time.

I was only required to perform a dry run of the code. The interview duration was one hour and fifteen minutes. Subsequently, the interviewer asked several HR-based questions.

Technical Round 2

During the technical round, I faced a panel of two interviewers. Initially, they asked about the projects I had mentioned in my resume. Some of the questions regarding my projects included:

  1. motivation behind creating each project
  2. unique features I had incorporated that distinguished them from other projects with a similar theme
  3. presented me with specific features and requested my insights on how I would implement them within my projects.

Following that, the interviewers presented me with an SQL query that required the usage of joins. This highlighted the importance of studying and understanding joins since they are frequently asked about in interviews. Additionally, they delved into the topics of Operating Systems (OS) and Computer Networks. Specifically, they asked about:

  1. the distinction between cookies and cache
  2. how an HTTP request is handled
  3. about the ACID properties
  4. differences between NoSQL and SQL databases.

Furthermore, they posed a question related to arrays and strings during the interview.

Technical Round 3

Typically, the selection process consists of two rounds. However, due to a tie between candidates, an additional round had to be conducted.

The additional round focused entirely on subject-related questions. It commenced with a question about the fundamentals of Operating Systems (OS) and proceeded to delve into topics such as pagination and virtual memory. In the realm of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), the interviewers posed a question regarding the diamond problem and asked an implementation of the solution in both C++ and Java. The duration of the interview for this round spanned approximately 25 to 30 minutes.


On the same day, at approximately 8pm, the results were announced, and I was fortunate enough to be among the selected students. This news has filled me with immense excitement for the upcoming journey and I cannot express enough gratitude to Intuit for granting me this incredible opportunity. I am eagerly looking forward to embarking on this journey with enthusiasm and dedication, ready to contribute my skills and grow both personally and professionally.

Some tips from my side

  • The internship drive can be competitive and challenging. Stay positive, maintain a growth mindset, and persevere even if you face rejections. Learn from each experience and use it as an opportunity to improve for future opportunities.
  • In addition to technical questions, be prepared to answer behavioral and situational questions. Practice articulating your experiences, strengths, weaknesses, and how you handle challenges or work in a team.
  • Give mock interviews to simulate the actual interview experience. Seek feedback from peers or mentors, and work on improving your communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall interview performance.

I am glad you have read this far!

That concludes the information I have to share regarding my interview experience at Intuit.


Kirti Singla

