Schrödinger Internship Interview Experience ( On Campus)

Geekhaven Technical Society
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2024


Hello! I am Pranav Tiwari, an intern at Schrödinger. Securing an internship can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. As someone who successfully navigated this path through an on-campus recruitment process, I want to share my journey, insights, and tips to help others achieve their goals. From initial preparation to the final HR round, here’s a detailed account of my internship journey.

Job Profile: Summer Intern (2 Months)

Role: SDE

Eligibility Criteria: Everyone, Graduating in 2025.

About Schrödinger

Schrödinger is a leading provider of advanced molecular simulations and enterprise software solutions for life sciences and materials research. The company leverages a combination of physics-based methods and machine learning techniques to accelerate drug discovery and material design, helping researchers solve complex scientific challenges more efficiently. Schrödinger’s innovative technology platform supports a range of applications from small molecule drug discovery to biopharmaceuticals and material science, enabling its clients to achieve breakthroughs in research and development. With a strong emphasis on scientific excellence and collaboration, Schrödinger plays a pivotal role in advancing the frontiers of computational chemistry and biology.

Preparation Strategy

In my first year, I focused on learning basic data structures and general programming concepts, such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). I participated in several Codeforces contests until I reached a 1300 rating. This helped me build a strong foundation in problem-solving and competitive programming.

Note: If you’re just starting, don’t get overwhelmed by the vast amount of material out there. Focus on the basics first. Codeforces is a great platform to get a taste of competitive programming!

In my second year, I shifted my focus to full-stack web development. I contributed significantly to OpenCode’22 and played a key role in building and managing the Geekhaven sites. This experience enhanced my practical skills and teamwork abilities.

Pro Tip: Contributing to open-source projects can be a game-changer. It not only boosts your resume but also gives you hands-on experience with real-world coding and collaboration.

Summer Break: Intensive DSA Preparation

Before the intern season, I revisited data structures and algorithms (DSA). I learned about dynamic programming (DP) and graph algorithms, solved around 300 questions on LeetCode, and completed most of InterviewBit. While I didn’t heavily participate in competitive programming contests, I ensured I covered all essential programming aspects, including DSA, OOP, operating systems (OS), databases (DBMS), computer networks (CN), and some system design concepts.

Quick Tip: Focus on quality over quantity when practicing DSA problems. Understanding the concepts deeply is more important than just solving a high number of questions.

Recruitment Process

The Recruitment process at Schrödinger has 3 rounds.

  1. Online Assessment
  2. Technical Round (2 Rounds)
  3. HR Round (Cultural Fitment Round)

Online Assessment (OA)

The hiring process began with a 1.5-hour offline OA consisting of three questions. The first two were basic observation questions of easy to medium difficulty (similar to LeetCode problems), which most people with decent problem-solving skills could solve quickly. The third question was a medium-level tree problem with a small but crucial observation, making it challenging for many.

I managed to solve all three questions in under 30 minutes. Only 13 people completed all three questions, and all 13 were shortlisted for the interviews.

Note: Time management is crucial during online assessments. Try to identify and solve the easier questions first to secure quick points.

Interview Rounds

The shortlisted candidates were informed the next morning, and the interviews were scheduled immediately. There were three rounds: two technical and one HR.

Technical Rounds

Each technical round lasted for an hour and included two questions.

First Round:

  • Question 1: A low-level system design problem requiring the implementation of a new data structure with specific requirements. I utilized OOP concepts like constructors and private variables, impressing the interviewer. This took me about 20 minutes.
  • Question 2: A recursion problem requiring an observation I initially missed. With hints, I completed it in the last 1–2 minutes of the interview.

Insight: Even if you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to ask for hints. Interviewers often appreciate your problem-solving process and willingness to seek guidance.

Second Round:

  • Question 1: A tree problem where I used an unordered set to store values while calling a DFS. This question involved queries, and I Tried and solved successfully.
  • Question 2: A standard LeetCode problem about connecting the next right neighbour. I wrote a BFS solution without needing hints, which boosted my confidence in getting selected.

Note: Familiarity with common data structures like trees and graphs can give you a significant edge. Make sure to practice a variety of problems involving these structures.

Example Interview Questions

Example Question 1: Imagine you are asked to create a data structure that supports the following operations in O(1) time:

void push(int val);
int pop();
void increment(int k, int val);
void decrement(int k, int val);

Here, the increment and decrement operations add or subtract a value from the first k elements of the data structure. Such questions test your understanding of efficient data manipulation techniques.

Example Question 2: You might be asked to solve a problem where you need to find the sum of maximum odd divisors for each number in a range. For instance, for A = 3 and B = 6, the sum of maximum odd divisors is 12:

Example Question 3: Given a binary tree, populate the next right element for each node: Ex- Leetcode

HR Round

The HR round was brief, lasting about 10 minutes. The interviewer introduced herself, asked about my background, and provided some information about the company. Take this opportunity to express your genuine interest in the company and demonstrate your professionalism. Treating it seriously can showcase your commitment and potentially set you apart from other candidates.

Tip: Your attitude and communication skills can leave a lasting impression.

Tips for Aspiring Interns

  1. Focus on DSA: Most companies prioritize DSA during the intern season. Pay special attention to graphs and DP, as these are often the trickiest parts of interviews.
  2. Cover All Bases: Ensure you have a good grasp of all important subjects like OS, DBMS, and CN. These topics can come up unexpectedly and cause stress if unprepared.
  3. Build Projects: Developing projects on your own helps you understand different CS concepts better. However, if time is limited, prioritize DSA preparation.
  4. Maintain a Balanced Resume: Having a diverse background can make your resume stand out and prepare you for a real working environment.

Final Thought: Stay consistent with your preparation and don’t be afraid to reach out for help or resources. Every step you take builds your path to success.

By following these strategies and tips, you can increase your chances of securing an internship and setting a strong foundation for your career in tech. Good luck!

