5 Tips for Creating the Best Medical Website Design

Proxima digital agency
NYC Design
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2018

Most medical websites resemble each other. There are a lot of faceless, tasteless and bland representations of medical services online. Online users can’t remember them as they are all almost identical. This is surprising medical providers pay little attention to this issue in the conditions of steep competition. Medical facilities would be more successful with better websites.

What medical websites need most is uniqueness to increase their popularity. Unique design and content will improve your site’s ranking on search engine pages. Your practice will always position higher in comparison with medical practices that use templates and duplicate content.

Tip #1. Make patients trust you.

What impression do you want to produce when you first meet your client? The website performs this task for you. If you do not invest to digital marketing, the visitors may think that other spheres of work are neglected in the same way. People are inclined to avoid specialists cutting corners in work, especially when it concerns health. It can be dangerous to apply to medical staff with such attitude to work. And, on the contrary, the site with a clean, cutting edge design accentuates your professionalism and serious attitude to all aspects of work including marketing. Clients tend to trust such medical facilities.

You can boost the marketing effectiveness of your site if you add content about physicians and members of the staff. It is important to add the page about the team or describe it in the section Service. Clients feel anxiety when they apply to doctor as they fear the unknown. It is easier to overcome it when you see smiling faces of medical personnel. Mention the rewards and accolades of physicians to build the reputation of your medical facility.

Tip #2. Create unique content that stands out.

Add the section of patient testimonials. It can be excellent advertising for you. Some testimonials may reveal the details, which are of special interest to the patients with related problems.

It is also recommended to add Questions and Answers section with doctors revealing the most topical issues in them.
Create unique infographics for your site. It can be more expensive than written content but such data is more often shared in social media. Smart graphic content contributes to the popularity of your site. For instance, you can portray statistics that shows the most widespread symptoms or reasons for patients’ visits.
It can be helpful to add the news related to the medical specialty and, probably, blog section where you will discuss controversial questions. Interesting discussion with injection of professional expertise can strengthen your authority and make your brand recognizable. Integrated blog on medical site can help to attract new patients.
The seasonal content can be of special interest to your potential clients. If the summer is too hot, this is a big problem for patients diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases. You can post articles during this period telling them how to overcome a hot season safely.
Add patient education library to the site. You will need FAQ, gallery, contact pages.

Tip #3. Create easy navigation. User-friendly site is crucial for people in distress.

The site of health care facility should be user friendly because it is often used by people in distress. Make sure that the person can easily find the right specialist and the way to get treatment. Easy navigation will help your clients to accomplish their goals and they will return to your clinic again and again.

Tip #4. Mobile friendliness matters.

The site should be mobile friendly. If the website does not fit on your tablet or phone screen, users scroll or zoom without result or the pages do not even load that means that the site is not optimized for mobile use. This is a big omission on your part as 80% of Internet users have mobile devices and 60% of adults use them actively. Even if you have a nice, elegant site, you can lose your potential patients if it is impossible to see it on a small screen of mobile gadget. Just imagine the way the sick person feels trying to reach you fast. You should consider this aspect on the stage of web development. If you have a site already, you should hire the professional to develop the mobile version of your site.

Tip #5. Choose the right color scheme.

Website design for medical practices differs in functionality. Their typography, content and galleries are also different. Still there is one thing that unites most of them — they use white and blue colors. White is perfect for medical industry as it the cleanest color. It shows sterility and lack of bacteria to clients. White color is great for design too as it never spoils website content. White color background highlights it. Blue is used for medical sites because this is the color of the doctor’s clothes. Blue is color of trust. It gives us stability and reminds of connection with nature. Blue color has a calming effect on patients. You can incorporate other colors to your design as well. The main thing is to provide impression of credibility.

Interesting versatile content and aesthetically pleasing design are very important for your clients who are going to trust their lives to you.

Visit our web-site to see some cases about medical design https://proxima.world/work/scope/medicine

