All About LinkedIn Recent UI Changes

Vikas Thakur
NYC Design
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2018

Linkedin such a popular platform has made two major changes recently in last 6 months on web. the last update was somewhat complete redesign of thier platform. they switched to card layout design.

the latest changes on profile page section has been done after the numerous kind of testing and processes.

but what i think as a user and designer, they made some visually mistakes this time also. first of all changing interfaces like this way is not for such a popular platform because user takes time to get habitual of digital interfaces and this is not good as UX point of view.

Now i am coming to the point. please see the image below very carefully first

See the right section first, is it enough to understand what the CULT is and what if someones university name would be a bit long.and if i talk about the icons along these, there is not any consistency and alignment as well and this way it never going to be right. visually its looking so unusual on such platform.somehow its not fulfilling the Getsalt theory of design.

Last about its cover pic, what if i upload a plain white background cover pic here. visualize it and think how bad it would look like.

All the above things are just my opinion as user and a designer.

suggestions are welcome always



Vikas Thakur
NYC Design

Designer by profession | Human by Nature | love to discuss design and startup ideas