App login design: The art and science of choosing a login method

Joseph Russell
NYC Design
Published in
11 min readDec 3, 2020


App login ux design

UPDATED: NOV 30, 2022

Weighing up the options

When deciding on your app’s login method, choosing between security and user convenience is somewhat of a balancing act. User data is of utmost importance, but protect it too zealously with Byzantine login methods, and you risk alienating users. However, defend it too weakly in a bid to drive up user retention and you risk losing data, trust, and credibility.

There are a host of login methods to choose from. Each comes with its own pros and cons. Below we list the most common login options and weigh up their relative merits.

  1. Password login
  2. Social and third-party login
  3. Mobile number login
  4. Email OTP login
  5. Multi-factor authentication
  6. How to design a signup page UX

Password login

Password Authentication is still the most commonly used security method. It’s simple, familiar and convenient. Users sign up with an email or username — or both — and provide a password when they need access to the platform.




Joseph Russell
NYC Design

Award-winning app designer and founder of app design agency