Brainy Experiences

Vishal Ramawat
NYC Design
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2018

The first frame that appears in our mind will eventually decide our perspective on the same. We can see flickering images preceding the first, or may be the shape of time created by different experience altogether and every one of us will experience it uniquely. We can screen and collect frames to predict the next frames, but we will always be lagging behind the mystical brain.

Even Artificial Intelligence won’t be able achieve what our brains can do

With the boom of consumer driven transformations, it has become a dog race to possess the very ‘breath and beat’ of the users, persecuting every moment they live and far after they die. Start slicing the user journey and you’ll find technology infesting every single frame of the path to their doom. Experiences can be short lived, instantaneous, momentary, life long, good, bad, accumulated, different, whatever the category you decide you can put them in, but, they’ll always be bound by a void, which can never be filled as it always will be related to empathizing with humans. And when we empathize, our brain start reacting in dramatic ways, which is being controlled by an entity beyond physical realm.

Digital cancer is creeping in our daily lives, thanks to the Design Thinkers and User Experience Specialists, sweating out to make every non-human thing more humane, more natural; creating seamless experiences to dissolve the theoretical boundaries of physical reality and a grim fantasy. We constantly evolve to serve humanity a better life, keeping at stake the very seed of evolution, life.

We are edging towards the demise of of what will be once called ‘Life’

This isn’t a ‘Chicken and Egg’ or ‘Why did chicken cross the road?’ scenario where we falter our thinking, but rather a straight-sane-vision born out of our conscious brain, that we can recreate itself. We are vandalizing our brains through technology, trying hard to extract the data, squeezing out every pulse our neurons produce, plugging-in every possible device to make a blueprint of the brain, ignoring what is fueling it all through. And to achieve this, we are creating distractions for our mind, burlesquing Piper of Hamelin, drawing us into a swamp of technical distress.

We ignore the fact that digital world exists in a binary system of 0s and 1s, which is processed at astonishing speed, beyond the comprehension by physical brain. And, we have to ‘design’ their output which can be profoundly understood by us. We have limited senses which are catered to by the digital dogma, fed by our perception of how and what we want.

We are the designers of our own destruction

We are on the verge of creating Exascale computing systems, ready to take on the duel with human brain. We are relentlessly chasing power and control over the natural complexities, knowing that the very foundation of our knowledge is based on assumptions and theories. No matter how small we go or how massive our vision become, there remains fundamental questions which will break our perception of reality and science, once they are answered.

Curiosity is a curse, it create distractions entangling our mind in questions which drives our consciousness away from the gist. All the ‘why, how and what’ are making it impossible for us in concentrating on our evolution. They obstruct our vision, by putting a boundary of ‘unknown’ in every path we opt, to know more about everything other than us. This blindfold of uncertainties cripples our ability to think freely and act wisely.The questions are never gonna end, the answers satiate our ego momentarily, then they are forgotten, and we begin seeking new answers to new questions.

Did God create us or are we playing God?

Although clocks tick same for all, still the perception of time varies with every individual. And so does the way they respond to external stimuli, generated to influence the mind, in peculiar ways. We let the designers craft our journeys, relying on the experience of the inexperienced, we let them in our lives, unconsciously, and many at times consciously. Every product and service in the market has money and ego tied at the end, pulling our strings to the tune of survival.

We are bound by 9 to 5 jobs, commuting for hours, burning weekends in forced activities, belching on drinks we cant remember. We rest our bodies for a while, only to find mind boggling with questions, driving us crazy for nothing. We seek medi-ca and ta-tion to bring down the things to normal, and we fail to do so, effectively. “I am at peace”, says no one ever, and those who say it, are just trying hard to convince selves of the fact that this could help them in the way they desire it to. The psychological and physiological warfare never stops, till they rip us apart of our existence.

Curiosity is a brainchild of an intrigued brain

