Delivery Application for Design Challenge

Problem Note

Amit Chotia
NYC Design
5 min readOct 24, 2018


Mr. Samarth Saxena is a 38 year old manager at Pizza Cafe Chain in Gurgaon region.He is responsible for making sure that there is an optimum number of delivery agents to cater to the demand for orders.Recently the in-house team is falling short of delivery agents.Due to heavy competition in the on-demand delivery space and a shortage of delivery agents, Pizza Cafe Chain wants to build a digital platform to automate the planning and scheduling of resources for delivery operations.
The aim is to develop a solution where anyone can sign up to do deliveries for dominos stores in Gurgaon in their free time while earning some extra cash. The solution gives people the control to choose the date/time of the slot and stores they want to work for based on their preference.

“person working on blue and white paper on board” by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash


Design an app for the delivery agents.
1.The delivery agent can sign in/sign up to apply for available slots.
2.The delivery agent can see slots for the next seven days.
3.They should be able to see the available slots as well as slots they have applied to.
4.Typical shifts/slots are for 2hours.
5.They can see the history of their completed slots, total orders and the cash collected.

Design an admin dashboard for the manager.
1.The manager can see the forecasted demand for orders and delivery agents for each slot for the next7days.
2.The dashboard should show total delivery agents required in each slot, number of people who have applied and the demand deficit.
3.For each day and each shift, the manager can view the part time workforce who has opted in for a shift.
Fore.g.‘For this Sunday, for the slot of 6pm to 8pm ;we expect to have an order of 100 pizza’s resulting in 60 home deliveries and needing 15 delivery personnel’


1. Empathize

In order to understand and relate to challenges and opportunities associated with Drivers and typical business owner, let’s understand different areas of the ecosystem they interact with.

  1. Delivery Partners/Agents, plays a huge part in the daily operations and work in our solution model in turn to provide best services to end customers. Therefore in order to serve the customers with highest satisfaction and quality, we need to empower them with tools and services that enables them to do their job effectively with great customer experience.
  2. Business owners (deliver job creators/Administrator), who are the one empowering the solution module from the business point of view in understanding the demand and the supply being met , so they will need more insights and readiness to be enabled for the upcoming cycle.
  3. Consumers, who are the end users of the delivery ecosystem and ultimately our solution module is devised to tool in order to make their experience as frictionless as possible.(Out of context for this article)

Since our solution is introducing food delivery service for a popular pizza cafe chain, undoubtedly introducing influx of capital for people in their free time will be the primary spot of our discussion in facilitating the same operationally through the application .It makes sense to have 2 wheelers to beat the congested traffic because of the obvious advantages of riding through narrow alleys and shortcuts to reach destination.The design of driver app for motorbike drivers is an opportunity to improve driver’s app experience where they can perform jobs faster, beat traffic woes, improve delivery ETA and potentially boost economy in the region.

2. Define

According to the task defined above, lets focus on the delivery agent audience dividing them into two main groups

  • First time enrolled agents(New Users): Drivers successfully completed their enrollment for the first time and are exploring the space to earn a little more cash on the go. So they needs to be given walkthrough and help at each step.(Heuristic Principle : Help and documentation)
  • Experienced Delivery Agents: Drivers who have been part of the delivery service for a while (25–30 jobs per day) using other applications or in partnership with other delivery businesses.

Both have similar motivations but slightly different needs. More introductory guidance is needed for first time enrolled drivers, and more efficiency is needed for experienced drivers.

Let’s define more on the challenges in the next section where we identify user needs by using Exploration vs Exploitation framework.

By going through the user reviews, various contextual situations and storyboard, let’s assume the following as pain points which needs to be handled .

  • Getting pick up location far off from current location.
  • Unable to accept multiple jobs along fairly similar route for efficiency.
  • Simplicity of tracking an ongoing delivery for points where cash needs to be collected and the timeline of their performance.
  • Ability to call the customer for emergency

a) Accept a job

  • Good Experience: getting delivery jobs that are within the service area set.
  • Good Experience: ability to quickly navigate to available and ongoing jobs before accepting.
  • Good Experience: ability to see pickup and delivery locations , estimated time and estimated earning.
  • Bad Experience: confusing number of multiple jobs request while in the middle of a delivery.

b) Picking up item to deliver

  • Good Experience: ability to identify the package is correct, quantity and what needs to be followed as a delivery instruction.
  • Good Experience: ability to check the time in which the order would be ready for pickup.

c) At pick-up and drop-off locations

  • Good Experience: ability to contact assigned people or the customer themselves.
  • Bad Experience: unable to see the route while watching other details of the order.

3. Design

We will be exploring the following two basic principle of minimalistic design based on our understanding of the noted challenges and needs:

  • in-app navigation app for full end-to-end experience
  • lightweight app that gets the job done

Also while doing prototyping, need to make sure the screens were based on

  1. mapping call to actions or functionalities to a specific area or screen for affordance
  2. providing not more than 2 options to perform actions at any given screen

User Flow for Delivery Agent

Delivery Agent Interactive Marvel Prototype

Delivery Agents Marvel Prototype



Amit Chotia
NYC Design

User Experience | User Research | Human Centered Design | Behavioural science