Design is a Language

Darshan Suthar
NYC Design
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2018
“white paper” by Harpal Singh on Unsplash

Before start anything lets take a story of a kid playing with a smart phone.

Have you ever listen to somebody saying my kid can easily open something on a phone and make calls and play with youtube for their favorite videos? We never teach them to do that, they learned themselves all.

“man staring at his smartphone” by rawpixel on Unsplash

Is it truly making sense to you? Actually its not! Cause a kid who is not understanding a simple things like outdoor games rule then how can we expect to operate smartphones what sometimes difficult for older ones to understand?

That can be a language grasping power difference between a kid and old folks.

Kids have more learning skills so they accept anything which react on their actions and easy to understand for future use.

Here we are considering that any language that has easy signs to express your need and similarly someone revert you back. This is how designs work for kids or anyone else to smartphone or other devices.

Design has certain real world understanding like a traffic signal colors, red is danger, green is good and orange is warning. More you may find relative things in design which relate to our world. As how any new language relate to our world. Any language has their own fundamentals, way of express and understanding of a response.

Other wise how can a small kid knows about a back arrow placed at left top corner in any screen means to go back? It gives idea to a user that a back arrow means to go previous similarly how we move books page. Right ?

A three lines menu bar is suggesting that it has a bunch of things similarly like a cupboard shelves, that is a common human understanding what kids and we are seeing in daily lives. You can relate easily with icons and colors and interactions of any action you have done. These all are a medium based designers make a good designs which can interact as easy as possible. Other than that if a language is not understand even that if we speak something which may means different what we never meant to.

So similarly design is like a language what needs to be understand first. How colors can be used, which types of interactions can create meaningful insights and what if a colors is not right selected for particular element same as any language has its own standards to speak and use.

A designer is responsible to make interface or a product easy understandable and usable before finalize. Cause if its not work for a user then remain all efforts will not make sense at all.

Sometimes wrong interpretation may become a big loss for app users and indirectly to a product as well. As you may seeing most of application uses same menubar for other links and tabs for swipe left or right to get into. That is just cause that its most used features and acceptable by user that they understood. Same as that a new language has things like a commonly verbs and accents and other stuffs what you can find same with anyone you see are speaking that language.

More with discussion an interface will be with a user to communicate right ? So what if designs are not in a interface? Isn’t it like a language barrier for a user to understand what’s going on in a product? And what I need to do with particular screen to get done my need.

“black smartphone near person” by Headway on Unsplash

Design is a medium what allows user to communicate with a product, it act as a language to fulfill interaction in between.

Hope this read worth your time. Follow for more articles. And appreciate by claps 😄.

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NYC Design
NYC Design

Published in NYC Design

A publication for designers of New York & design lovers from all around the world. Design thinking is what makes us share with the whole world.

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