Design+Sell/Build: A market-driven innovation framework for B2B2C companies

Paul Burke
NYC Design


How design connects sales and product teams to capitalize on market signal

Most product management articles describe how to improve product experiences in a business-to-consumer (B2C) context where there is a clear line of site and access to the end customer. But for many software companies, customer experiences are delivered in partnership with their clients and often as part of a larger service design experience. In those cases, access to the users is often limited for contractual or regulatory reasons and building trust to gain access to this type of information takes time. As they work to build a shared discipline for customer-centric continuous innovation with their clients, these organizations need methods to better consume and deliver on indirect product insights in this challenging product delivery model.

Leaning in to Outside-in Product Insights

Imagining desirable capabilities, features, and services is fundamental to the growth of any product but the ideation is often not exclusive to the product organization. They might originate from executive leadership, a high-risk client, or a board member just as easily as they might originate from within the product organization. But when they do, the challenge the product organization…



Paul Burke
NYC Design

Chief Product Officer @ Reveleer— focused on agility, iteration, and measurement to deliver better customer experiences.