The logo of Asilverse

Designing for an Anonymous Studio

Raunak Trikha
NYC Design
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2018


So, last week I received a message on my dribbble profile by a company named Asilverse asking to design a website for them. I liked the company’s dribbble page and agreed to join their design team. This blog is just a process and all the design elements I made for them… hope you guys like it 😄

Asilverse — which means a silver universe, they’ve been operating as a Design & Tech company for more than a year now. They claim to work anonymously and remotely from the centre of the Bermuda Triangle. That being said, the team wanted the website to have a mystic and dark look. So, I started with redesigning their logo and brand guidelines.


The previous logo was good but had too many details to it(18 stars, complex typography etc.) I personally like logos very slick and minimal. Here is what I designed

The monogram
Logo Specification based on Golden Ratio

Colours and Typography

The colour palette was the most difficult thing for me, the portrayal of the brand was to be Anonymous and Mystic but at the same time fresh and exuberant.

The colour palette used
Font used — Poppins

Subsequent to this colour palette, I added some tinted logos with these colours…

Logo Variations


Once the branding was done, we moved to Website designing. In the initial phase of screen-flows and information architecture, I was very unsure how this website would turn out to be.

The website had total of 6 folds, this wireframe gave me a broad overview as to how to information will be placed throughout the website. The website was supposed to maintain balance of text and illustrations.

The next step was start designing the folds(screens). I started with designing some illustrations for the hero fold. The illustrations were highly inspired from Doctor Strange Spell Discs.

Hero Section

The website has a tint switcher from which the user can change between different tints of the Brand. The illustrations in the centre are subtly animated to depict the Mystic Spells. The current website is designed in Moss Green Tint

Landing Screen

2nd Fold — Core Values

The company’s core values revolves around the 7 steps of Designing a product. So the illustrations and information is placed in such way.

Core values

3rd Fold — Work Showcase

The Brand has diversely worked on several projects and solved my problems, the showcase of their work was designed while the same in mind.

Work Showcase

4th Fold — Blog

I’ve designed many blog listing designs in past but, Asilverse explicitly said they wanted to show case only one Blog on screen at a time. The design focuses on the same approach.

Blog Page

5th Fold — Books Review

This is the section I love the most, the idea is very unique. The idea behind this section was to tell the audience which all books the Team has read and share their thoughts about it. I used a proportion grid in the background.

Book Review

6th Fold — Special Fold

Asilverse something in their website that creates a hook making the user come back again to visit the website. The also wanted a section which was gamified and depicted creativity.

The idea behind this was…having a Gem stone which allows used to rub on it. When the user starts rubbing the Gem, a small animation triggers which is a timer asking to rub it for 3 more seconds. Once the timer is completed, a Geenie pops out of the Gem and interacts with the user.

Special Fold

Footer— Contact

The Brand has no official address or office, they just wanted a mail to go on this section.

I used lots of trees and bushes to give the effect of Bermuda Triangle



The website turned out to be better than I expected it to be, learned a lot and worked a lot on this one…here is a link to check out the whole website

Hope you guys like it 😄 !!



Raunak Trikha
NYC Design

I geek out on Design Systems, Human Psychology, and Smoothies.