Function of Vistas and Views in Game Design

Ketul Majmudar
NYC Design
Published in
6 min readJun 30, 2020


Views in video games are observation points used to highlight a lot of objects into one frame or shot using a special camera move. Vistas are special types of views that show distant objects, mainly far off landscapes.

Certain games use vistas as one-off moments (like Uncharted and Tomb Raider) where a special camera move will highlight the vista for the first time. Other games like Zelda: Breath of the Wild allows the players to look at views and vistas as they like without a special camera move. Other than showing off beautiful art, these views and vistas perform some important functions in game design. Let us take a look at them.

1. Pacing

This is probably the most common function of a vista. A vista is considered a low intensity beat in design and provides a break to the player between high-intensity beats. For a lot of games, vistas are a mandatory part of the experience to maintain pacing and convey information while for others, it is optional to interact with them.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons — Interacting with benches in the game is optional but provides a nice breather moment between back to back puzzles

2. Highlight goals and landmarks

Vistas highlight faraway landmarks in multiple directions allowing the player to create and maintain a mental map of the world. Open world games frequently use this technique to guide players around the world.



Ketul Majmudar
NYC Design

I write game design analysis and breakdowns. Shipped games: God of War: Ragnarok, Asgard's Wrath 2. Game Designer at Meta. Prev. designer at Sony Santa Monica.