How Marketers Try Their Best & Fail at Interruptions

Haresh Punjabi
NYC Design
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2019

I received the following message from 'Company A’.

Your 'Company A' A/C has been debited with high electricity bills!
Now save upto 20% on bills by getting your product Serviced.
Book now on 'Company A’!

The instinctive reaction was which of my bank A/Cs has been debited. It worried me.

Then, I read the message slowly. I noticed that this is a random registered service which was never used. The part I forgot was they have my number now.

Ding Ding! I receive a new SMS. I open it. I read it. I gave them my time!

It didn’t work out though. Not only did I ignore the message’s CTA. I marked them as spam & vouched to never use their service. They only succeeded in interrupting my time & raising my blood pressure.

We must understand that technology is moving fast & “THIS IS THE GOLDEN ERA FOR MARKETERS TILL DATE”. The internet has provided multiple mediums to understand the market & say what you have to say. You have the power to reach your maximum relevant audience at zero costs.

The problem is the ease in access of leads. All data is available & we are intruded with calls, SMS, email, online ads etc. You might activate a DND service but they always have another way to get to you.

So what do they keep doing which they are good at?

They will interrupt your time, expect you listen & hope to make a sale. They never realize that they have already failed at the first step.

How could one expect you to close the deal if your time is being interrupted. The tools we have today are fast, simple & cheap & everyone has them. You have a choice. You could interrupt & interrupt until you are an institution of annoyance


You could develop a practice to earn respect & work hard enough to gain a following.

That is what makes for a great value

