The Storm Whale by Benji Davies

I’m Writing My First Children’s Book

Mike Puglielli
NYC Design


One of the things I have always been fascinated by was children’s books & stories. In my mind, the best children’s books create worlds filled with charm and magic, with characters that rhyme and dance, fly and dream. The best stories thread the line of make believe, carefully enticing our imaginations with wonder.

These stories create fantastical breaks in our lives. They remind us to play and have fun, sometimes teach us something important, and its these moments that I want to capture and live in.

Since having my first daughter, I have doubled down on children’s books. I not only buy books for her, but for me, and I hope we can enjoy them together. The stories, illustrations, and love that these books capture are refreshing moments of clarity.

…the best children’s create worlds filled with charm and magic, with characters that rhyme and dance, fly and dream.

For me, I have always been a storyteller. I love written stories — and I have been writing since I can remember. I’m not sure when my passion for writing or storytelling came to be, but I’ve always sought opportunities to create them.

Over the last year, I have been studying illustrators and reading children stories getting ready for my new challenge: writing my own children’s book.

This year, I will be working on my first children’s book and will be using Medium to share and keep track of my progress (and using it as a public forum to keep me accountable). I hope you’ll join me and help me get through this journey.

I have no idea where this all will take me…and I don’t know the challenges I will inevitably encounter. How hard is it to write a children’s book? What about to illustrate one?

We will see. It’s going to be fun.

