Make Your Website Work For You With UX Design

Katie Williams
NYC Design
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2018

Your website is arguably the best employee in your company, it is a 24/7 sales person who is always on hand with the answers to most of your customers questions, they are always well dressed, never turn up late or have a day off (hopefully). So what if it isn’t working for you and you aren’t getting the conversions, enquiries or leads you are after? Something needs to change.

One of the most common problems with websites is actually the person in charge of running it (no offence if that’s you). Often marketing managers get so caught up worrying about getting traffic to their site using techniques such as SEO or sharing it on social media that they forget about how the website is actually working to help the user, a user-friendly website is a must. If your website traffic is rising but you are not seeing any increase in conversions or enquiries then you are probably one of these people and there may be a few things on your website you may be able to change.

Contact Information

Providing contact information throughout the website sounds like an obvious thing to do but more often than not people hide the contact information in the footer or only have one “contact us” page with a form. While neither of these things are bad because at least the information is there, they could still be better. If getting in touch with you is what you want the user to do then surely you want to encourage it as much as possible by having contact information strategically placed throughout the website not just in certain places.


If you’re concentrating a lot on your SEO then you have probably done a lot of content but this content may not be doing much towards helping you make sales. Often, when people are concentrating on their SEO strategy, they worry so much about writing for a search engine they forget to write for people and at the end of the day you’re selling to people. So while it’s important to get all those keywords in don’t lose sight of what your users want to read or what information they are actually looking for.

Call To Action

Again, this may be an obvious one and could be more down to the websites designers, but it’s still worth mentioning. Call to actions (CTAs) are a simple element in the overall design of the website but so crucial. When you know the journey you wish the user to take through your website it is important that you give clear indications of what you want them to do next or where you want them to go next. CTAs are the buttons that you will use to do that, they need to be a bold colour that is different to any being used elsewhere in order to be clear that that is where you want the user to go.

Relevant Images

Imagery has become just as important as content on websites today due to the influence of image led social media such as instagram and our decreasing attention span.


Therefore it is important that you must use relevant imagery throughout your website that can both catch the eye of the user as well as paint a picture for them to support your content. If your website is heavily content led then your users will quickly lose interest and exit the site.

Intuitive Functionality

It is pretty rare nowadays to come across anyone who hasn’t used a website before or know how one works, generally speaking users will recognise when something is a button and when it’s not. Make sure that your website, and more importantly the buttons, do not confuse your users and do what they will expect it to do. This will help provide an easy user experience by allowing them to follow an intuitive path.

All in all, ensuring that you provide the user with a positive experience will help increase the chances of converting a user into a lead and more leads means more sales!

Angle Studios is a strategic brand and web agency based in Discovery Park, Kent, UK. We’re digital architects, designers, developers and visionaries living and breathing branding and websites.

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Katie Williams
NYC Design

Marketing Executive at Angle Studios in Kent, UK.