Me as a Designer : Then and Now

Why am i in this field?

Ardiyansyah Suherman
NYC Design
4 min readMar 25, 2018


When i was in the first year of uni, I’ve heard some people from another faculty saying “I really love art/design, but I don’t have a talent”. To be honest, i think i was one of those people who said that when i was in high school 😅. I still remember that time when me and my friends were thinking about “What should i major in ?” and that statement crossed my mind.. “do i have enough talent to be a designer?🤔” I don’t really remember how i found the gut to chose art/design as my major in uni, but as time goes by i do realize that :

Work hard can beats talent, and for you who think that you are not as talented as your classmate, please remember that you just have to believe in yourself and always do your best because everything is possible! Talent is just a bonus!

If someone asked me back in my first year of uni about why i want to be a designer, my answer will be as simple as “because i like pretty things, i do like to make something prettier, more attractive, etc. because i believe when something is prettier it will add more value to that thing.” But then i learn a lot of things, and now i realize that IT’S NOT AS SIMPLE AS THAT! LOL 🤪. Please let me tell you why being a designer is amazing :

It‘s like having kids

Kabooom! via: giphy

It maybe sounds weird to some of you (non-designer, lol). When you design something, It feels like having kids. First there’s an idea. Then over time it turns into a “thing” that exists, and you make sure that its in the right way and the best feeling is : you are the creator 😆.

Problem is our bestfriend

Fixed it! via : giphy

Solving people’s problems is such a wonderful experience, When you’re starting a new design or a product, you’re trying to solve a problem for a specific audience. You do research, you do an interview when necessary, those things are to make sure that you’re solving the right problem. When its all done, it feels really good!😇

It’s ok if you don’t know everything

Keep on learning! via: giphy

You will never, ever know everything 🧐. As a designer you will always find new tools, learn new tips and tricks.Trends change, new technology is created, new tools are published, another tools disappear, we have to be a life long learner to survive!

Always wondering

via : giphy

You see the world around you kind of differently than other people do, and you want to fix all of the things. Like when you have to work in the same room with a lot of non-designer that not really pay attention to design, i believe you can relate to this. lol. You will always ask “WHY”😅

Endless inspiration

via : giphy

Design inspiration is EVERYWHERE. Like, literally.😍

Those are only some of million good reasons to keep designing and now i can say that :

I became a designer not just to make the world prettier, i want to solve problem and help the world make a better decisions.

I’m not designing because of a promise of a bonus or promotion. I’m not doing it to just earn attention from people. I do it, because this is something I love doing, fill my day with purpose and inspiration. I think that’s it for this article, thank you for your time!😊

If you want to know more about me,you can find me on Dribbble, Behance, LinkedIn, and my Instagram (and our design team instagram too!)

Thank you so much! ️Clap Clap!



Ardiyansyah Suherman
NYC Design

Cat & Tea Person • Communicate Through Visuals • Jakarta, Indonesia