My first UX Project@Ironhack about Wellness

Aurélie Amandine Dauchez
NYC Design
Published in
8 min readJul 22, 2018

During my 3rd Ironhack week Bootcamp, I had the opportunity to drive an UX project from A to Z. In 5 days, I have conducted a user research and I have presented my UX design process during a 6'minutes pitch. An awesome experience!

This experience allows me to put into practice what I’ve learned during the two first weeks of the bootcamp, and memorize all the UX Tools we have see in class. In this article I will present you the project, the most relevant tools used and my MVP with lo-fi prototypes.

I was very happy when I discovered the subject: WEELLNESS.

I feel concerned with the subject: I eat healthy organic food, I practice running, pilates, yoga, meditation and hypnose to feel good into by body and my mind.


The client, INPES, asks to conduct a user research/ a UX design process to understand people’s relationships with pysical wellbeing in order to develop a tool that will drive them to action.

How people can adopt and maintain a routine that enhances their wellbeing?

The challenge is to create a digital wellness tool to track the user’s progress and pushes them to commit to a healthier lifestyle.

We have to create, at the end of the process, a paper prototype, and after testing, we have to present our final lo-fi paper prototype to the class.


In France, wellness represents a business of 37,5 billions of euros


I have choosen to develop a digital tool relating to RUNNING because this huge market still have a lot of business opportunities.

We have to remember that:

  • French running market industry: 850 millions of euros
  • 24% of french population practice running= 1/4 people runs
  • 13 millions of french people run
  • More than 3/4 of people who run use a digital tool (connected objects)

I chose to develop a mobile application for runners.

Now we have to understand the relationships of people with wellness, do the follow a wellness routine?, what are the benefits of following a wellness routine?, which kind routine do they follow?, etc…

To collect informations from our audience, I first did a SURVEY CANVAS, then I send to my network a SURVEY via Google Form, 34 people answered me, here the main results:


What do I learn from this survey?

  • 38% associtate wellness with sport
  • Main painpoints to follow a sportive routine: lake a time and feel quickly demotivated
  • They wait from a mobile app: to receive personalized advices and to help them achieve their goals
  • If they use the service of a online coach they would like to contact their coach by a CHATBOT, with a familiar tone.

Before choosing a running app, I did a competitors analysis regarding the wellness app. in general( relax, running, yoga, meditation…). I realized a positionning map and a comparative app. key features:

Wellness mobile app comparison
Welness app positionning


What do I observe? What are the main painpoints?

There’s still a lot of mobile app., but what I observed is that, for most of them, they are complicated, with a lot of informations, the way to transmit parameters of the run is very serious, with mathematical analysis. It’s impersonnel, you just receive your data and that’s it. The navigation is difficult, not intutive and take too much time. Users are looking for something simple, easy, quick and funny.


Lean UX Canvas



Empathy Canvas Map


My persona is Eva, she has 36 years old, she’s journalist, she has 2 kids. She lives in Paris with her husband and her two boys. She goes at work by car, she works a lot, she come back at home late on the evening.

Here a detailed portrait of Eva:

Eva detailed profile

At this stage of the process, it’s time, now, to conduct qualitative interview, with open-ended questions, to understand better the relationships of our users with their sportive routine, and what do they think about the idea to run with a coach online, my main key figure.

I also realized a EVA’s user journey schema to determine the most appropriated moments for running. We have see that time is the main painpoint for our users to go running.

When EVA can go running?

Eva’s journey

There are some strategic moments when Eva can goes running: at lunch time, at the evening when her kids have dinner with their father and after her dinner, when her family is watching TV. For my MVP I chose the moment of the lunch time to begin a running routine.



What do I learn from my interviews?

  • A coaching service online could help my audience to follow a sportive routine
  • The service must be simple, quick and easy to use
  • They are ready to use a mobile app because they always have their mobile on hands
  • They want to receive push notifications from their coach to be informed of their objectives, the progress and results of their run (tracking data)
  • The users want to receive personalized advices
  • They wants to receive encouragements
  • The coach must help them to keep motivated from the begining to the end of the run
  • To receive a sumup of kilometers and calories burned.
  • They want to comunicate with their coach by chat/messenger
  • The coach can humanize the run, it must be always avalaible and have to be understanding and empathic.

To sumuraze all the ideas I did a MIND MAP, then I can choose one particular insight to develop my MVP:


I chose the COACHING online service. I will developp a mobile app with a coach online who will speak with the user via a Chatbot, the coach is always available, he motivates the user during his run with advices and with notifications regarding the progress of the run, in term of kilometers, calories and pace. The coach use a relax tone, it must be symathic with a touch of humor. I will also use sounds to motivate the users during their run, to avoid them reading ( for safety reason). The coach will inform the user about all parametrers of the run and congrats them. It’s very important for the coach to be empathic, sympathic and funny in order to create a closed relationships with his user and to feel the user comfortable and confident.


I want to create a digital coach for runner users which can support them to achieve their goals and to keep motivated by ENJOYING & FELING HAPPY during their run.


Here the insights:


My mobile application was designed to encourage users to follow their running routine. We have observed that running app. are not user-friendly which is causing the abandonment of their routine.

How might I offer the service of a digital coach so that my users feel motivated and happy during their run, and stay connected to the app.

We believe offer a virtual coach to runners will support them to be faithful to their routine and to achieve their goals.

We will know we are right with the numbers of time our users connect to the app.

During the ideation phase I used the Moscow method to prioritarize key features of my MVP:


1/ Data tracking ( kil., cal., pace)

2/ Results summary





To create my first protoptype I established a scenario:

Eva has planned to run everyday 30 minutes minimum, during her lunch time. To stay focus on her objectives and to track her run key figures, as kilometres and calories burning, she has decided to run with my application.

She’s still registered and uses my app very often to consult her records, or to share results with her social network.

Actually, she’s at work, and it’s 1.PM, she’s in lunch time till 2.30 pm.

My first lo-fi paper prototype:

First version

My second lo-fi paper prototype

Second version

What changed?

I added a first new screen, the home page. Before the ringing of the bell at 1.PM (screen 2) Eva is at work and can see on her app the first screen: on this first screen she can consults her run of the day, runs of the week and runs of the month.

I re-designed the third screen: I have changed the disposition of numbers, map and buttons. The chat sends musique and voice to Eva.

I changed also the fifth screen: “MON ACTIVITE” became “RUN DU JOUR”, I changed all the display.

Option B is when Eva uses the app without running. Here an exemple when Eva choose to consult her runs of the week:

I finished the week with a 6 minutes pitch, it was my first personal project.I have learned a lot, this exercise helps me to memorize all the tools we can use during a user research. I really appreciated working on a sportive digital concept, and now….welcome to UI!!!!!

Thanks to my classmates for their help during the week and thanks to my teachers Agathe Macha and Camille Laurent for their entire availability and expert advices.

Let’s GO for Week 4! 👩‍💻🤓👍



Aurélie Amandine Dauchez
NYC Design

After ten years working in the luxury sector as wholasale and retail manager, I decided to become a UX/UI Designer with Ironhack in Paris.